harksys / HawkEye

A useful app for GitHub Notifications
MIT License
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Repository Mute Filters #21

Closed andrewhathaway closed 7 years ago

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

This PR implements per-account per-repository mute filters (#10). This enables users to mute a repositories notifications by Subject Type and Reason. To create or edit a mute filter for a repository, you right click on the repo in the filter list and hit Edit Mute Filter.


Clicking Edit Mute Filter will take you to the following window where you can switch off, or on, certain Reasons or Subject Types. You can also delete the mute filter entirely using the X on the top right. Keep will show you notifications for that Reason or Subject Type, whereas Ignore will remove them from your view.


This PR also adds the following section to an accounts settings. Each button will take you to the page above, per repository.


Notifications that are muted are still ingested by Hawk Eye, but never shown to the user. This is so that if you decide to un-mute certain notifications they will become instantly available. The same goes for altering your mute filters, they will disappear when you edit your mute filter. Sounds will not be raised for notifications that have been muted.

The Settings design for this isn't the best it could be, by a long shot, but I think we can put in a separate PR to alter the structure of that.

bterlson commented 7 years ago

Looks like a great start, would definitely go through my repos and toggle a few of these!

Might be good to translate the reasons into more easily understandable scenarios. I don't know off hand what manual means, at least.

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

@bterlson Great point. I have changed Subscribed across the whole UI to "Watching", and Manual to "Watching Thread". I used https://developer.github.com/v3/activity/notifications/ to work out any changes here. I think the rest make sense?

I'm happy for this to go ahead and possibly release an initial version of this?

bterlson commented 7 years ago

I guess "Authored" could be more clear as "My issue" or something similar? But Manual was definitely the most confusing one.

You either have to ship it or send me a build ;)

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

@bterlson The issue there is that we'd need to separate it out to My Issue, My Pull Request and My Commit for that to make sense. It also wouldn't fit the wording of the others? I'm sure this is something we can look at in the future, but I'm going to merge this PR and prep a build!