harksys / HawkEye

A useful app for GitHub Notifications
MIT License
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How do notifications work? #26

Closed decadence closed 7 years ago

decadence commented 7 years ago

Hello. Thanks for great app. But I don't quite understand how it works. I have 1 new notification on GitHub Notification page. screenshot_1

But I can't see it in app and I don't get any popup windows for new notification. screenshot_2

Update frequency is 5 minutes. Am I doing something wrong?

Moreover it shows me notifications which I already read as you can see. Even restart doesn't help.

Windows 10 x64. No firewall, no antivirus.

decadence commented 7 years ago

Seems like it updates only after login once

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

@decadence That shouldn't be the case, it's constantly updating. Read notifications still get imported in to Hawk Eye, also check your settings for how often it's polling!

decadence commented 7 years ago

Update frequency is 5 minutes as I said. However that's the case for me and I have no idea why is this closed. Tomorrow I will check it on another PC.

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

This could be a potential issue if your computer is sleeping and Hawk Eye has been left open. However I'll need more information ideally! :)

decadence commented 7 years ago

No, I just installed it and it doesn't work as expected from the start. Ok I'll try to find out if this is a problem of one PC individually.

decadence commented 7 years ago

Another PC. The same situation. What I want screenshot_2 and what I get screenshot_1

Why it doesn't show new notifications? And it shows many read notifications even if Read filter is not selected.

decadence commented 7 years ago

Now I can confirm it doesn't work at all. Here is my settings screenshot_1

andrewhathaway commented 7 years ago

@decadence Read notifications in Hawk Eye are not the same as read on GitHub. Read notifications are still imported, and you'll have to mark them as read. I suggest using Hawk Eye primarily to avoid having to read the same notifications twice. This is because we make sure you don't miss a notification!


decadence commented 7 years ago

Anyway it doesn't work for new notifications properly. For example I subscribed for Symfony repo and have 3 notifications from it on GitHub. Hawk Eye doesn't show anything from it. I am forced to use GitHub further. Anyway thanks.