harlam357 / hfm-net

Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home
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Monitoring API change (or issue on client side) #304

Closed Adanorm closed 4 years ago

Adanorm commented 4 years ago


Please note that a new beta release of the fahclient 7.6.0 has been released. Some issues on monitoring side, but certainly not on your side, but maybe work.

Missing data (for the moment what we saw) :

And note that now passwords are mandatory for monitoring.

Adanorm commented 4 years ago

I contacted Stanford for quick feedback : https://github.com/FoldingAtHome/fah-control/issues/69

harlam357 commented 4 years ago

Looking at the public foldingathome.org and at foldingforum.org. Don't see any news about v7.6. I have beta team access, nothing there. Where do I find this new client version?

Adanorm commented 4 years ago

Hello Harlam,

Here :) https://foldingathome.org/beta/ Note that 7.6.1 is coming very soon.

jcoffland commented 4 years ago

@harlam357 I took a look at the traffic between HFM and the new v7.6 beta and I cannot see anything wrong but users are reporting missing data in HFM.

FYI, Stanford is no longer involved with folding@home.

Adanorm commented 4 years ago

Tested with 7.6.2, no improvement.

jcoffland commented 4 years ago

The problem is that the info data blocks were reorganized in v7.6.x to include more information about the various libraries they client was built from. The main goal of that change was to be able to see the exact git revisions the client was built from to the build can be reproduced. This lead to creating separate info sections for each lib.

HFM currently expects there to be "Build" and "Folding@home Client" info blocks. The info that was in these is now both contained in the "FAHClient" block.

I looked into to creating a PR for this but my .net foo is weak.

ipkh commented 4 years ago

7.6.4 is out now in beta page. 7.6.3 says it -organize info blocks. In the changelog. Try this one.

Adanorm commented 4 years ago

Hello Harlam,

Lots of things are fixed with 7.6.6.

By the way, the XML generates this : <ClientVersion i:nil="true"/> instead of something like this : <ClientVersion>7.6.6</ClientVersion>

I'm still checking but everything else is OK

Adanorm commented 4 years ago

7.6.7 no improvement.

Adanorm commented 4 years ago


Same with 7.6.8

harlam357 commented 4 years ago

Hi Adanorm! After talking with the FAHClient developer and looking at the way the data changed, we decided that I would handle the ClientVersion issue on my side. I have that fixed in a development branch and will have a new build for you soon.

Adanorm commented 4 years ago

I feel like a VIP :)

Adanorm commented 4 years ago

Fixed on

harlam357 commented 4 years ago

Fixed in master and will be released with 0.9.14

harlam357 commented 4 years ago

Scratch 0.9.14. 0.9.17 just went RTW.