harlam357 / hfm-net

Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home
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Log Viewer shouldn't AutoScroll if scroll thumb is not at the bottom #315

Open TunaErtemalp opened 4 years ago

TunaErtemalp commented 4 years ago

I want to see something in the middle of a log in Log Viewer, either using mouse or keyboard, I scroll up. But, if there is a WU active, within seconds, it automatically scrolls to the bottom before I had the chance to read what I wanted to. I think this sort of autoscroll should happen only if the scroll thumb is firmly resting at the bottom of the scrollbar.

harlam357 commented 4 years ago

There is an option in the View menu to "Toggle Follow Log File". It's turned on by default. See if that works for you.

I've considered making this option more prominent in the UI... like an easily accessible check box in (or above) the log viewer. However, I also enjoy the sparse nature of HFM. I don't want the UI to become to busy.

Generally, if I want to look at longer log details I open the cached log file in a text editor (right-click client/slot).

Please let me know your thoughts.

TunaErtemalp commented 4 years ago

Didn't know that menu option, and it does help. At the very least, HFM becomes less intrusive while I am scrolling around in the log by not taking me to the bottom all the time.

But, what I suggested would be more intuitive as well as allow you to REMOVE that menu item, thus less clutter!

Basically, consider ToggleFollowLogFile to be ON all the time, remove the menu item, keep updating the log file in that window, but only scroll to the bottom if:

1) The log file had a change in it compared to the previously displayed one AND 2) The scrollbar was already at the bottom

Otherwise, you either won't be updating the window content due to "NOT #1", or leave the current scrollbar the way it was due to "NOT #2" (which might require you to save the last scrollthumb location before the content update and set it to the same value again; can't remember how that worked in Windows).

This way, the user would have the ability to scroll around the log viewer without being constantly taken to the bottom, AND get to follow it live by simply scrolling to the very bottom and leaving it there.

By the way, this paradigm is not my idea, so no credit is due to me: BOINC Event Log Viewer does this, and works beautifully and intuitively.


harlam357 commented 4 years ago

Visual Studio build output log behaves in the same manner, so I'm familiar. No promises that I'll tackle this one exactly as described. I am thinking about moving the "follow" option to a control in the log viewer so it is simply easier to find and toggle.