harlam357 / hfm-net

Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home
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Allow failures to be reset. #326

Open MikeTimbers opened 4 years ago

MikeTimbers commented 4 years ago

It's great that the system tracks failures but it means I need to remember how many failures there were to know if there are any new ones. A client/slot could be failing and I might not notice.

I'd love it if it showed a client/slot as "failed" - perhaps by showing a red status bar? - which I then can dismiss.

TunaErtemalp commented 4 years ago

I second that. Ability to set the failure count back to 0 is an option. And/or, display the timestamp of the last failure to show if it happened last month or last night. And/or, like mentioned by Mike, turn the failed cell of that slot red and allow the user to set it non-red, but turn it red again if the slot fails afterwards. And, maybe even add a fancy cell that is N pixels wide where N is the number of WUs completed since the last time the slot was marked as "I've seen it" (and use the user-set width x of that column to set N=x to limit to the last x WUs), and put a vertical red line into the cell at each pixel for every failed WU in order of it happening along those most recent N WUs; that would show the "density" of the errors happening on that slot. :)

harlam357 commented 4 years ago

I like the idea of a notification. What if I integrated into Windows 10 notifications? The infrastructure is already there to do the notify and dismiss workflow.

As far as resetting, I don't believe that's something I want to tackle right now. Currently, there are two styles of Completed and Failed count from WU history. I understand if this is not obvious from the UI, perhaps some better tooltips could make this more clear.

I also like the idea of placing a date and time in the column, or perhaps in a tooltip, that show the date and time of the last completion or failure.

TunaErtemalp commented 4 years ago

As much as I don't like Win10 notifications, in this case they would be a good compromise, given the dismiss stuff.

Yup. Tooltips. You get one tooltip. You get one tooltip. Everyone gets a tooltip! :)
