harlan-zw / nuxt-seo

The complete SEO solution for Nuxt.
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Urls in doc to unhead.unjs.io not correct / working. #220

Closed HPieters closed 1 month ago

HPieters commented 2 months ago


Currently the name of the composable is normalised to generate the path to the relevant doc in unhead (https://github.com/harlan-zw/nuxt-seo/blob/main/docs/components/content/SchemaOrgNodeList.vue) however this results in invalid urls e.g. defineWebPage becomes https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/schema/web-page however the url to the documentation is https://unhead.unjs.io/schema-org/schema/webpage.

Not sure what the right approach would be for this as there are a couple of issues:

Happy to help with this just wanted to know what direction the solution should be e.g. some type of mapping or property on each composable?