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Multisitemaps and global sources #236

Open plexus77 opened 1 month ago

plexus77 commented 1 month ago


I have some global sources set sitemap.sources and the items in these sources specify the sitemap they belong to using the _sitemap attribute. Using the documentation in particular the example shown here and below

    sitemaps: {
      pages: {
        includeAppSources: true,
        exclude: ['/**']
        // ...

I would expect the app source pages and the global source pages to turn up, however only the app source turns up in the sitemap.

After looking at the debug information I noticed that the sitemap.sources data ends up in a globalSources object... So I made up an attribute includeGlobalSources: true and lo and behold it works... Is this some strange bug or simply an undocumented feature.