harlan-zw / nuxt-seo

The complete SEO solution for Nuxt.
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LD+JSON does not update when running in production #249

Closed marcobax closed 2 days ago

marcobax commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

When using Nuxt SEO + Nuxt schema.org in production, the schema.org JSON+LD does not seem to update when using

Example code on Stackblitz

Run npm run build, then node .output/server/index.mjs to see the issue. Navigate from the homepage to the recipe, and check out the generated schema.org data in devTools. This value will not be updated when navigating to the blog, and vice versa.

This problem does not occur when running npm run dev or when refreshing the page manually.


No response

System / Nuxt Info

No response

harlan-zw commented 2 days ago

Hi, thanks for the reproduction.

Please see Production Static data.