harlan-zw / unlighthouse

Scan your entire site with Google Lighthouse in 2 minutes (on average). Open source, fully configurable with minimal setup.
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Context conflict when starting unlighthouse twice for mobile and desktop #166

Open BennyAlex opened 9 months ago

BennyAlex commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

I first run a desktop test, wich works fine, but when I want to start a second test for mobile I get this error:

      throw new Error("Context conflict");

Error: Context conflict

Any way to prevent this error or is it a bug?


export async function performTest(site, urls, device = 'desktop') {
  return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    const unlighthouse = await createUnlighthouse({
        lighthouseOptions: {
          onlyCategories: ['performance', 'best-practices', 'accessibility', 'seo', 'pwa'],
        puppeteerOptions: {
          args: ["--no-sandbox"],
          headless: true // headless works best,
        server: {
          open: false
        /* puppeteerCluster: {
             concurrency: 'CONCURRENCY_BROWSER', // which mode to use
             maxConcurrency: 1,
        output: {
          json: true, // output json
          html: global.isDev // output html
        debug: global.isDev, // output debug info
        cache: false, // disable caching of results
        scanner: {
          dynamicSampling: false, // no dynamic sampling
          maxRoutes: 100000, // max number of routes to scan
          samples: 1, // number of samples to take, higher does not work correctly currently
          crawler: false, // enable the crawler
          robotsTxt: false, // don't respect robots.txt
          sitemap: false, // don't respect sitemap.xml,
          skipJavascript: false, // don't skip javascript
          // exclude all pdfs and amp pages
          /*        exclude: [
                    /!* 'en-*',*!/
          // use desktop to scan
          device: device,
          // enable the throttling mode, good for getting more consistent results
          throttle: !global.isDev,
        chrome: {
          useSystem: false // use the bundled chrome,
        name: 'unlighthouse-provider-' + device,

    const two_min = 2000 * 60;
    const timeOut = two_min + (urls.length * two_min);

    const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
      console.error('Maximum Timeout reached!');
      reject('Maximum Timeout reached!');
    }, timeOut);

    const {hooks} = unlighthouse;

    // listen to the worker-finished event
    hooks.hook('worker-finished', () => {
      console.log('All sites for ' + device + ' tested!');

    console.log('starting unlighthouse for', device);
    await unlighthouse.start(); // start the unlighthouse process, will not wait for it to finish, use hooks instead

System / Nuxt Info

No response

BennyAlex commented 9 months ago
