harlan-zw / unlighthouse

Scan your entire site with Google Lighthouse in 2 minutes (on average). Open source, fully configurable with minimal setup.
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Catastrophic Score #212

Open BoozingPorkPuller opened 2 months ago

BoozingPorkPuller commented 2 months ago


Hi guys, i've been using lighthouse for a month now and i can't figure out why my score are catastrophic ? When i compare with pages speed insight or just the lighthouse plugin the score are pretty normals but when i use unlighthouse i can't have relevant score ?

harlan-zw commented 2 months ago

Hi, please see https://unlighthouse.dev/guide/recipes/improving-accuracy

Also, consider disabling the throttling https://unlighthouse.dev/guide/guides/device#alias-enabledisable-throttling

BoozingPorkPuller commented 2 months ago

Hi Harlan, thank you so much for the fast reply, i already tried that with the throttling and the sampler but nothing change :( i can't figure out why its not working

harlan-zw commented 2 months ago

You'll need to provide some more details:

Unlighthouse is not made for accurate performance benchmarks, it's only meant to identify performance trends amongst your pages.

BoozingPorkPuller commented 2 months ago

Im scanning a batch of urls with that config export default { puppeteerClusterOptions: { maxConcurrency: 1 },
scanner: { device: 'desktop', throttle: false, samples: 3, },

And for example i have like 13 of score compare to 85 with page speed insight or lighthouse

BoozingPorkPuller commented 2 months ago

Any ideas ?

harlan-zw commented 2 months ago

I can't assist unless I can replicate the issue, the scores are performing correctly based on my tests.

It may be related to your computer, you can run in a CI and see if it performs any better, if not it's likely a problem with your site.

pedddro commented 1 day ago

Please, post a screenshot of a Pagespeed test vs one from UNLH using the same url.