harlanhong / ICCV2023-MCNET

The official code of our ICCV2023 work: Implicit Identity Representation Conditioned Memory Compensation Network for Talking Head video Generation
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'GeneratorFullModel' object has no attribute 'mb' #6

Open baihei-1122 opened 11 months ago

baihei-1122 commented 11 months ago

Hi, it's a very nice work. But when I train the model, I got a problem with 'GeneratorFullModel' object has no attribute 'mb', the 'train.py' shows in 163 lines, I don't find any code about 'mb' define.

harlanhong commented 10 months ago

OK, let me check.

Utkarsh-shift commented 3 months ago

Same issue

harlanhong commented 3 months ago

I will check.