Story: As a server or cook, I want to be able to complete or cancel the orders so that it is removed from the cook's order list
Story Points: 3
Priority: High
Risk: Low
Complete an order in 'cashier kitchen pre' restaurant mode:
Create a restaurant with mode "Cashier Kitchen Mode (Pre)" selected
Place an order at this restaurant from the mobile application
Log into employee mode, select the restaurant and choose 'cashier mode'
The order will appear on this page, click the 'paid' button' (hypothetically once payment is received)
The order will now appear on the 'kitchen mode' page.
Click on 'complete order'. This will log the order in the database with a 'paidComplete' status and remove it from the cache, meaning it no longer appears on the cashier or kitchen pages.
Complete an order before it is paid in 'cashier kitchen post' restaurant mode
Create a restaurant with mode "Cashier Kitchen Mode (Post)" selected
Place an order at this restaurant from the mobile application
Log into employee mode, select the restaurant and choose 'cashier mode' or 'kitchen mode'.
The order will appear on both pages. Click the 'complete order' button on the kitchen page.
The order is still visible on the cashier page, but is logged in the database with status 'notPaidComplete'.
Once the order is also paid by clicking on the 'paid' button, it no longer appears on the cashier/kitchen pages and is updated to status 'paidComplete' in the database.
Cancel an order
Place an order at a restaurant from the mobile application
Log into employee mode, select the restaurant and choose 'cashier mode' or 'kitchen mode'.
From either page, a user can cancel an order by clicking the 'cancel' button. This removes the order from the cache and the database.
Story: As a server or cook, I want to be able to complete or cancel the orders so that it is removed from the cook's order list Story Points: 3 Priority: High Risk: Low