harley1011 / RestoTouch

A web application for providing virtual menus to restaurants
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Login and select restaurant #79

Closed harley1011 closed 7 years ago

harley1011 commented 7 years ago

Story: As a restaurant owner, I want to be able to login and select a restaurant for the mobile app to use so that it will know which restaurant related information to display such as menus and items. Story Points: 5 + 3 (setup) = 8 Priority: High Risk: Low

harley1011 commented 7 years ago

Tasks (15h)

1) Pre-Implementation (4h)

2) Implementation & Unit Test (10h)

3) Documentation (1h)

hi-larry commented 7 years ago


Demo step

Login (Using the same credentials as RestoTouch Web App).

  1. Enter the username and password in appropriate fields
  2. Select "Log in".
  3. User is being redirected to a restaurant list page.

Select a Restaurant

  1. Select a Restaurant to be used.
  2. User is being directed to a menu list page.
hi-larry commented 7 years ago

Customer Sign-off

Status: Approved. Comments:

Shirley Liang 16/01/2017