harlowja / fasteners

A python package that provides useful locks.
Apache License 2.0
243 stars 45 forks source link

Admin chores #90

Closed psarka closed 2 years ago

psarka commented 2 years ago

@harlowja I have two tasks for you, as an admin of this repo. Could you, please:

  1. Switch the default branch from master to main (Settings -> Branches).
  2. Fix or install the webhook for readthedocs, so that it updates the docs at every push to main.

Thanks :)

psarka commented 2 years ago

@harlowja ping! :)

psarka commented 2 years ago

@harlowja I would like to see this happen, could you indicate that you at least see the messages? If you are too busy to deal with readthedocs, alternative would be to take down readthedocs page altogether, and I would replace it with github pages.

harlowja commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

I'll try to get some of this done over the weekend,

Sorry about being slow :-P

psarka commented 2 years ago

@harlowja A kind reminder that the chores still await you! :)

Let me help you a bit:

Switch the branch (~30sec)

  1. Click the ⚙ Settings on the top of this page
  2. Choose Branches on the left
  3. Choose main as default

Add me to read the docs maintainers (~1min, unless you lost the password, then ~2min.)

  1. Login to read the docs
  2. Click fasteners project
  3. Click ⚙ Admin
  4. Click Maintainers on the left
  5. Add psarka as a maintainer
harlowja commented 2 years ago

I'm on it, haha

harlowja commented 2 years ago

Default branch updated to "main"

Added you as admin/maintainer on readthedocs.

Sorry about taking so long, started a new job @ Waymo a few months ago and have been busy trying to come up to speed there.

psarka commented 2 years ago

Behold! Updated documentation!


Thanks @harlowja :)

harlowja commented 2 years ago

Much appreciated; sorry for being slow, lol.