harmlessaccount / discord-docs

Overall DIscord documentation for user accounts automation. Unofficial and not affliated with Discord.
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Contribution: Poké Catcher Bot. #1

Closed StrawberryChemical95 closed 2 weeks ago

StrawberryChemical95 commented 2 weeks ago

Looking to contribute to the guide, and thought it would be a nice code example for someone to use.

The Discord Bot Poké Catcher is shutting down in ~1 month from now. So I thought I would share a bot for it. Every hour, you receive 10 catches, this resets at XX:00. So, we can run the bot every hour, do our 10 catches, and then turn the bot off. Every 3rd hour, you can run /pokestop, which will give you free pokeballs.

The bot I've provided uses discord.py-self and the Python schedule library, the rest are default Python packages

Key Skills

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import asyncio
import random
import schedule
import datetime
import time
import threading

# Assign your Discord User token
Token = "TOKEN"

# Assign the channel you'd like to run the bot in.
channel_id = 123456789012345678

# Command IDs
pokemon_id = 1067810369541779589
pokestop_id = 1067810369541779590

# Simple function to add variance to your asyncio.sleeps
async def sleeper(base, variation) -> None:
    await asyncio.sleep(base + random.uniform(.25, variation))

class Client(discord.Client):
    def __init__(self, client, catches):
        self.messagechannel = None
        self.client = None
        self.catchable = catches

    async def on_ready(self):
        # Fetch the channel run commands in
        self.messagechannel = await self.client.fetch_channel(channel_id)

        # Get the commands to run
        self.commands = await self.messagechannel.application_commands()
        self.pokemon = [i for i in self.commands if i.id == pokemon_id]
        self.pokestop = [i for i in self.commands if i.id == pokestop_id]
        print('Logged on')

        # Check if the hour is a multiple of 3, if it is, run /pokestop
        current_hour = datetime.datetime.now().hour
        if current_hour % 3 == 0:
            await self.pokestops()

        await asyncio.sleep(10)

        # Send the first /pokemon command, which will trigger the loop.
        # Only 10 pokemon can be spawned per hour.
        await self.pokemon[0].__call__(channel=channel_id)

    # Run the command /pokestop to get free pokeballs (once every 3 hours)
    async def pokestops(self):
        await asyncio.sleep(3)
        await self.pokestop[0].__call__(channel=channel_id)

    async def on_message_edit(self, before, after):
        if before or after:
            if after.channel.id == channel_id:
                # Catch a Spawned Pokemon
                for i in after.components:
                    for j in i.children:
                        if j.label == 'Catch':
                            await sleeper(2.5, 5.5)
                            await j.click()
                            self.catchable -= 1

                        # When number of spawns/catches reaches 0, stop the bot.
                        if self.catchable == 0:
                            await self.client.close()

                        # Roll Again
                        if j.label == 'Roll Again':
                            if self.catchable > 0:
                                await sleeper(2.5, 5.5)
                                await j.click()
                                if self.catchable == 0:
                                    await self.client.close()

def initialize_and_run_task():
    # Add a random delay when running the script, (number of spawns resets at XX:00, so we can run it anytime within the hour)
    seconds_delay = random.randint(1, 35) * random.randint(50, 60)
    print(f"{seconds_delay}s until code executes")

    client = Client(client=None, catches=10)  # Only 10 pokemon can be spawned per hour
    client.client = client  # Assigning the client instance to itself

    # Run the bot within a thread, so it doesn't interfere with the scheduler
    print("Running Catcher!")
    bot_thread = threading.Thread(target=client.run, args=(Token,))
    print("Thread over")

# Schedule the bot to run every hour.
def schedule_task():
    current_hour = datetime.datetime.now().hour
    if 7 <= current_hour < 23:  # Only run the bot between 7AM and 11PM (07:00 -> 23:00)

# Schedule the job every hour at minute 5

print("Task has been Scheduled!")
print(f"Current Time: {datetime.datetime.now()}")

# Loop to rerun the bot every hour
while True:
harmlessaccount commented 2 weeks ago

Looks good to me. Please make a pull request instead next time. Thanks.

harmlessaccount commented 2 weeks ago
