harmony-one / bounties

Bounty program is to help the community take part in the development of the Harmony blockchain. It covers from core feature to validator tooling, from dApp development to DeFi integration.
MIT License
59 stars 23 forks source link

Harmony Pay - WordPress Plugin #55

Open drspinosa opened 3 years ago

drspinosa commented 3 years ago

Project Overview

This bounty is to create a WordPress payment getaway for WooCommerce based e-shops and market places that vendors and customers can transact using Harmony ONE coins and HRC20 tokens.


This is Stage 1 of a multi stage project to create payment systems. In this stage the team will develop a simple payment getaway WordPress plugin for WooCommerce pages. The plug in will be tested live on the Dezigne Market place market.dezigne.co.uk and will be published as a free of charge plugin on WordPress under GPLv3 licence.

The plugin will be based on Mycryptocheckout existing crypto payment getaway which it has already been forked in the GitHub link below.

The development will require striping all blockchains, coins and tokens and replace them with only Harmony blockchain and HRC20 tokens. All functionality shall remain the same expect changing the look and feel of the payment getaway if required.

There should be an auto-settlement feature and currently works with Binance API exchange. We can keep this; however, it will be ideal to change it and use Crypto.com and auto-settle in their exchange or wallet, preferably in a range of stable coins USDC, USDT TGBP and STASIS EURO (EURS) if available. This could be a work in progress and add also the stable coin that other teams are working on Harmony network - TBD part of the project work.

The team including myself (Adam Spinos) will also work on a website to give information how the plugin works. The pay.dezigne.co.uk will be created by myself with a bought template and collaboratively will develop the look and feel. This will act for the time being as the payments information webpage for this current and possible future payment projects.

In that web page a client/ user will be able to place an order to add their HRC20 token. Price and profit allocation to be decided as part of the project An experimental HRC20 taken has been crated see link below to test the token pay functionality live. This token might require a bit more work. If not suitable another established HRC20 taken can be used.

The payment getaway plugin will be called Harmony Pay

Team & timescales:

A team of 2-4 will be required including myself. One person with extensive PHP experience and wide knowledge of Harmony blockchain and HTML will work, however a team of 3-4 including myself will be ideal. I will project manage as well as work in the development of the information website and documentation. I will also be part of the testing and marketing. The rest of the team will work 100% on the development of the plug in and collaboratively 20-40% on the website development and documentation.

The project’s dead line and the basic payment getaway system must be ready the latest End of August 2021.

A graphic designer will be ideal to be part of the team and work on logos, design element of the website, colour coordination etc

Expected development time required.

The current getaway does not have refund option or a UI for a client to manage their account. A simple refund option could be added in this version if time and bounty allocation permit it.

A bit of collaborative support in using GitHub until all the team is familiar

Relevant links:


Experimental HRC20 Token Flora (FLR) https://explorer.harmony.one/#/address/0x8c0b07786dE4ddaf6abC40FCeA275Ce0ef291797

Acceptance Criteria and knowledge

Not all are necessary by one person for example the team can be: 1x PHP and WordPress expert, 1x Graphic designer and 1x website designer

Developers with wider range of skills will be preferred as long as they have 1-2 specific subject experience.


This project is the first of its kind on Harmony and a large part of this project will be to help and promote the Harmony network and HRC20 tokens. It will act as a show case that crypto is a currency and as such can be used in retail and e-commerce. Harmony Protocol is ideal to achieve this with its fast transactions and very low fees. It can work faster and with lower fees that any current FIAT based system.

The success of this project will initiate more projects and bounties to develop further this plug in, as well as developing proprietary protocols and payments systems that can operate and interact with FIAT, stable coins, EPOS systems and more. Also aiming to work long term and build a good relation with a team that can expand as more projects are being created.


$10K equivalent in ONE tokens

adam505hq commented 3 years ago

Love this. WooCommerce facilitated over $20 Billion of sales in 2020 :guitar:

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 118664.6567 ONE (10037.72 USD @ $0.08/ONE) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 3 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 1 week, 4 days from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) nresh has started work.

I will work on creating a WordPress plugin that allows users of WooCommerce e-shops to accept payments in Harmony ONE coins and HRC20 tokens. 2) aranhaagency has started work.

Wordpress plugin for Harmony one payments 3) zhiku998 has started work.

2021年6月 开始 -设置电报 -启动网站 -启动社会媒体 2021年7月初 令牌发射 Reddit CMS帖子 发射完整性预售 在PancakeAbp上启动完整性 在CoinSniper上申请上市, 申请搜捕名单, 在CoinGecko上申请上市, 申请在CoinMarketCap上市, 营销推动传播意识 1000名电报成员 2021年7月中旬 营销阶段2 -通过YouTube、Twitter、Reddit、Tik Tok等网站的Influencer营销大力推动 -影响营销 -在Cingecko上市 -在共同市场上市 -5 000名电报成员 -5000美元MDOGE持有者 -社区投票仪表板 2021年9月 更多行动 为完整性而生产NFT 向诚信持有人赠送NFT 25.000美元 25.000名电报会员 基于选举结果的大影响力营销推送 大型CEX上市公司 更多来自社区的模因 4) benzfccr7 has started work.

พัฒนาเว็บไซต์งานแอฟพลิเคชั่น และสร้างรายได้ 5) sekmet has started work.

A WordPress payment getaway for WooCommerce based e-shops and market places that vendors and customers can transact using Harmony ONE coins and HRC20 tokens

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

drspinosa commented 3 years ago

Hi all

I was away on Holiday and just back home. I just logged in to see that this project has been approved. Bare with me to get my head around this method of working. If anyone wants to DM me send a message on tweeter @drspinosa

Lets build something amazing

Best Regards Adam

drspinosa commented 3 years ago

I would like to make some additional notes and clarifications

This plugin must achieve the same or similar functionality for $ONE and HRC20 tokens. Any recommendations for improvements are welcome and will be discussed.

There is an auto settlement function using Binance API this should work and tested. However the developer(s) that manage to change that to auto settlement function using Crypto.com API and there is an auto settlement in $USDC and $TGBP will be rewarded an extra $200 in ONE and they will have a greater chance to win the bounty.

In the plugin a refund option is not available This is a highly desired add on and preferably should be accompanied with a UI dashboard for the merchant and will hosted for the this stage at pay.dezigne.co.uk. The server is already active. The teaam or developer that can achieve this and can make the WP plug in will definitely win the bounty and There will be an extra $200 bonus

An on the fly auto swap from $ETH and/or $BNB using the Harmony network is highly desirable as well. For example someone can choose to pay with $BNB and in the background the swap to $ONE will happen and then deposited to the merchants wallet as $ONE or other selected HRC20 tokens.

A functionality documentation or some sort of operating manual is expected to be produced by the developer(s) and in collaboration with my self.

drspinosa commented 3 years ago


I have finished the majority of the landing page. Anyone who wishes to comment or contribute let me know. pay.dezigne.co.uk

Still there is time to work on this project. just ask me any questions you may have.

sekmet commented 3 years ago

Hello Mr. Adam, I have been working on this. I'm currently working on the API server/manager (nodejs based) to monitor the payments. I hope get a solution in the next hours. Thank you! Carlos Guimaraes

Screenshot from 2021-07-23 14-15-26 Screenshot from 2021-07-23 14-16-07 Screenshot from 2021-07-23 14-16-37 Screenshot from 2021-07-23 14-17-11 Screenshot from 2021-07-23 14-17-43 Screenshot from 2021-07-23 14-18-19

Gruce commented 2 years ago

Such a great work!

drspinosa commented 2 years ago

Hi Carlos

It's looking very good. The project is still open if need to contact me for more info available at discord drspinosa#4023

Thanks Adam

drspinosa commented 2 years ago

Hi All

I almost finished the landing page for this project and you might find it useful to read pay.dezigne.co.uk

drspinosa commented 2 years ago

A Discord group is ready please join and lets chat :) https://discord.gg/v5DphJaP

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 118664.6567 ONE (18505.28 USD @ $0.13/ONE) has been submitted by:

  1. @benzfccr7
  2. @sekmet

@papiofficial please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 118664.6567 ONE (20183.91 USD @ $0.16/ONE) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @drspinosa.