so, i deployed an Ownable contract using my ONE wallet account, I then tried to call an onlyOwner function in the contract by using the send api, did contract.wallet.addByPrivateKey('private key of my ONE wallet account') to add the signing account to the wallet. But I am getting the "Ownable: caller is not the owner was thrown". Does anyone know why this might be happening? When I call the owner function from the contract, I am getting the correct wallet address...
so, i deployed an Ownable contract using my ONE wallet account, I then tried to call an onlyOwner function in the contract by using the send api, did contract.wallet.addByPrivateKey('private key of my ONE wallet account') to add the signing account to the wallet. But I am getting the "Ownable: caller is not the owner was thrown". Does anyone know why this might be happening? When I call the owner function from the contract, I am getting the correct wallet address...