harmony-one / stake-heist

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[submission] our dear validators #4

Closed liszper closed 4 years ago

liszper commented 4 years ago


Final repository: https://github.com/zgendao/harmony-portal

Live: https://harmony.validator.community/

Description of the bug, vulnerability, security threat OR the product/tool

A central place for all validators.

  1. Register your validator with a slider based form.
  2. Generate your own profile page
  3. Browse validators
  4. Comment & rate validator profiles. Other social features on request.

Steps to reproduce the reported vulnerability OR steps taken to build the product/tool

Feature design -> UX -> Graphics design -> MVP -> testing -> repeat

Proof of exploitability OR proof of use-case (e.g. screenshot, video, github code source)

Perceived impact to another user or the organization

Helps delegators and fun for validators.

List of URLs and affected parameters (if applicable)

Browser, OS and/or app version used during testing (if applicable)

chrome-based browser

gizemcakil commented 4 years ago

Hey @liszper ,

Congratulations, you're the winner of this category :)

Please check out the announcement post: https://medium.com/harmony-one/announcing-stake-heist-winners-261d1bdb6c1f

Please also share a ONE address to receive your prize: https://pangaeabyharmony.typeform.com/to/wgsvPY

mindstyle85 commented 4 years ago

@liszper are you working on this getting out? asking since i see no activity on your github

liszper commented 4 years ago

@liszper are you working on this getting out? asking since i see no activity on your github

Hey @mindstyle85 !

Yes, we are still interested in the proposal, but abandoned the initial repo and moved our projects under an organization: github.com/zgendao

Will upload the new repo and publish an update with the first live demo this week.

Thanks @gizemcakil ! Will share my address after the site went online.

liszper commented 4 years ago

You could check out the preview until the demo is ready: https://www.figma.com/file/VB51LsKyKxX3PyClfPVs8h/Harmony?node-id=227%3A17

liszper commented 4 years ago

The website is live here: https://harmony.validator.community/

Its not feature complete yet.

mindstyle85 commented 4 years ago

i noticed, you have and old snapshot right now it seems and yeah, several features still being worked on, looks ok though, but do think about a slick modern design in the end too and possibly some pagination.

liszper commented 4 years ago

I extended the required security restrictions to let the Harmony wallet-extension support our website: https://github.com/harmony-one/wallet-extension/commit/b2d65751b4ea8ef250cc75c069b735b4c9aabbf7 Once it is updated in the chrome store, users will be able to login with their wallet & rate validators.

Source-code is available here: https://github.com/zgendao/harmony-portal

liszper commented 4 years ago

I updated the description. Current version has been stable for 2 weeks now.

Harmony browser plugin is still not updated. We need that to close this submission.

mindstyle85 commented 4 years ago

browser plugin? you mean the wallet extension?

liszper commented 4 years ago

Yes, https://docs.harmony.one/home/wallets/chrome-extension

mindstyle85 commented 4 years ago

which part is not updated? I think the newly released version on chrome store is already up to date, with certain fixes and multi delegation functionality

if its something that is still missing for you please let me know so i can see if we can get it done asap

liszper commented 4 years ago

I extended the required security restrictions to let the Harmony wallet-extension support our website: harmony-one/wallet-extension@b2d6575 Once it is updated in the chrome store, users will be able to login with their wallet & rate validators.

Unfortunately the wallet extension was designed to work only on the official Harmony website. After we realized this and managed to access the repository, I extended the rules to include our websites as well, but the extension still need to be updated in the store to work for everyone.

When we built the portal we thought its a good idea to use the wallet extension as a metamask-like solution. I am not sure about this now. Meanwhile a new extension popped out: https://github.com/harmony-one/onewallet but its early and no documentation is available how to interact with our website.

@mindstyle85 What do you recommend? Stick with the legacy extension and wait for an update or read the source of the new one and figure out how to use it?

liszper commented 4 years ago

A small addition: the legacy extension has no developer documentation, but it was relatively easy to scout out from the staking dashboard repository.

mindstyle85 commented 4 years ago

for some reason i cant tag the extension devs here, i will ping them on discord for this ticket and see if they can do this

liszper commented 4 years ago

I have good news: We contacted Yuriy and he guided us to use Math Wallet, now the site is ready to be used!

Please delete local storage & install math wallet before trying it out: https://harmony.validator.community/

We are collaborating with Maggie from the Harmony team to add more features. (Validator map, image banners etc)

I think you could close this submission, because we shipped 1.0

mindstyle85 commented 4 years ago

@liszper ok, consider this issue closed now. Please contact @gizemcakil or Maggie for your stake heist reward (i believe you told me you wont give out an address before the site ships out).

liszper commented 4 years ago

Thank you @mindstyle85 my address is one1x8kgyyqgslzrm7jrlj4m7rpg285etdywjk7gez

mindstyle85 commented 4 years ago

@gizemcakil @NiteeshHarmony this is still the stake heist competition entry, can one of you two process the reward payment for it?