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Multiple CVE and End of life technology #3286

Open sajithvasu opened 1 year ago

sajithvasu commented 1 year ago

There are multiple vulnerabilities within drone images (drone, drone-runniner-kube, drone-vault-extension) as mentioned below.

Is there any plan to address this in future release?

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

CVE Name | Asset Name | Vulnerability Description | Remediation | Current Version | Recommended Version | DetailedName -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- CVE-2022-28391 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package `busybox` version `1.32.1-r7` was detected in `APK package manager` on a container image running `Alpine 3.13.7` is vulnerable to `CVE-2022-28391`, which exists in versions `< 1.32.1-r8`. The vulnerability was found in the [Official Alpine Security Advisories](https://security.alpinelinux.org/vuln/CVE-2022-28391) with vendor severity: `High` ([NVD](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-28391) severity: `High`). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version `1.32.1-r8` or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: `RUN apk upgrade busybox`. | apk upgrade busybox | 1.32.1-r7 | 1.32.1-r8 | busybox CVE-2022-0778 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package `libcrypto1.1` version `1.1.1l-r0` was detected in `APK package manager` on a container image running `Alpine 3.13.7` is vulnerable to `CVE-2022-0778`, which exists in versions `< 1.1.1n-r0`. The vulnerability was found in the [Official Alpine Security Advisories](https://security.alpinelinux.org/vuln/CVE-2022-0778) with vendor severity: `High` ([NVD](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0778) severity: `High`). This vulnerability has a known exploit available. Source: [Packetstorm](https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/167344/OpenSSL-1.0.2-1.1.1-3.0-BN_mod_sqrt-Infinite-Loop.html). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version `1.1.1n-r0` or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: `RUN apk upgrade libcrypto1.1`. | apk upgrade libcrypto1.1 | 1.1.1l-r0 | 1.1.1n-r0 | libcrypto1.1 End-of-Life Version of Technology | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The OS `Linux Alpine` version `3.13.7` has been End-of-Life since `2022-11-01` as indicated in [Alpine Releases](https://alpinelinux.org/releases/). End-of-Life versions of operating systems have no further official support by the vendor and thus no security patches. Furthermore, newly discovered vulnerabilities are not reported. Thus, such technologies pose a threat that is both unknown and will not be fixed. |   | 3.13.7 | 3.14.8 | Linux Alpine End-of-Life Version of Technology | docker.io/drone/drone | The OS `Linux Alpine` version `3.11.13` has been End-of-Life since `2021-11-01` as indicated in [Alpine Releases](https://alpinelinux.org/releases/). End-of-Life versions of operating systems have no further official support by the vendor and thus no security patches. Furthermore, newly discovered vulnerabilities are not reported. Thus, such technologies pose a threat that is both unknown and will not be fixed. |   | 3.11.13 | 3.14.8 | Linux Alpine CVE-2022-30065 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package `busybox` version `1.32.1-r7` was detected in `APK package manager` on a container image running `Alpine 3.13.7` is vulnerable to `CVE-2022-30065`, which exists in versions `< 1.32.1-r9`. The vulnerability was found in the [Official Alpine Security Advisories](https://security.alpinelinux.org/vuln/CVE-2022-30065) with vendor severity: `High` ([NVD](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-30065) severity: `High`). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version `1.32.1-r9` or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: `RUN apk upgrade busybox`. | apk upgrade busybox | 1.32.1-r7 | 1.32.1-r9 | busybox CVE-2022-37434 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package `zlib` version `1.2.11-r3` was detected in `APK package manager` on a container image running `Alpine 3.13.7` is vulnerable to `CVE-2022-37434`, which exists in versions `< 1.2.12-r2`. The vulnerability was found in the [Official Alpine Security Advisories](https://security.alpinelinux.org/vuln/CVE-2022-37434) with vendor severity: `Critical` ([NVD](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-37434) severity: `Critical`). This vulnerability has a known exploit available. Source: Github [[1](https://github.com/ivd38/zlib_overflow), [2](https://github.com/madler/zlib/blob/21767c654d31d2dccdde4330529775c6c5fd5389/zlib.h#L1062-L1063), [3](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/75b68c6e4db515f76df73af476eccf382bbcb00a/deps/zlib/inflate.c#L762-L764)]. The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version `1.2.12-r2` or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: `RUN apk upgrade zlib`. | apk upgrade zlib | 1.2.11-r3 | 1.2.12-r2 | zlib CVE-2022-37434 | docker.io/drone/drone | The package `zlib` version `1.2.11-r3` was detected in `APK package manager` on a container image running `Alpine 3.11.13` is vulnerable to `CVE-2022-37434`, which exists in versions `< 1.2.11-r4`. The vulnerability was found in the [Official Alpine Security Advisories](https://security.alpinelinux.org/vuln/CVE-2022-37434) with vendor severity: `Critical` ([NVD](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-37434) severity: `Critical`). This vulnerability has a known exploit available. Source: Github [[1](https://github.com/ivd38/zlib_overflow), [2](https://github.com/madler/zlib/blob/21767c654d31d2dccdde4330529775c6c5fd5389/zlib.h#L1062-L1063), [3](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/75b68c6e4db515f76df73af476eccf382bbcb00a/deps/zlib/inflate.c#L762-L764)]. The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version `1.2.11-r4` or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: `RUN apk upgrade zlib`. | apk upgrade zlib | 1.2.11-r3 | 1.2.11-r4 | zlib CVE-2018-25032 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package `zlib` version `1.2.11-r3` was detected in `APK package manager` on a container image running `Alpine 3.13.7` is vulnerable to `CVE-2018-25032`, which exists in versions `< 1.2.12-r0`. The vulnerability was found in the [Official Alpine Security Advisories](https://security.alpinelinux.org/vuln/CVE-2018-25032) with vendor severity: `High` ([NVD](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-25032) severity: `High`). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version `1.2.12-r0` or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: `RUN apk upgrade zlib`. | apk upgrade zlib | 1.2.11-r3 | 1.2.12-r0 | zlib CVE-2022-28391 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package `ssl_client` version `1.32.1-r7` was detected in `APK package manager` on a container image running `Alpine 3.13.7` is vulnerable to `CVE-2022-28391`, which exists in versions `< 1.32.1-r8`. The vulnerability was found in the [Official Alpine Security Advisories](https://security.alpinelinux.org/vuln/CVE-2022-28391) with vendor severity: `High` ([NVD](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-28391) severity: `High`). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version `1.32.1-r8` or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: `RUN apk upgrade ssl_client`. | apk upgrade ssl_client | 1.32.1-r7 | 1.32.1-r8 | ssl_client End-of-Life Version of Technology | docker.io/drone/vault | The OS `Linux Alpine` version `3.6.5` has been End-of-Life since `2019-05-01` as indicated in [Alpine Releases](https://alpinelinux.org/releases/). End-of-Life versions of operating systems have no further official support by the vendor and thus no security patches. Furthermore, newly discovered vulnerabilities are not reported. Thus, such technologies pose a threat that is both unknown and will not be fixed. |   | 3.6.5 | 3.14.8 | Linux Alpine CVE-2022-0778 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package `libssl1.1` version `1.1.1l-r0` was detected in `APK package manager` on a container image running `Alpine 3.13.7` is vulnerable to `CVE-2022-0778`, which exists in versions `< 1.1.1n-r0`. The vulnerability was found in the [Official Alpine Security Advisories](https://security.alpinelinux.org/vuln/CVE-2022-0778) with vendor severity: `High` ([NVD](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-0778) severity: `High`). This vulnerability has a known exploit available. Source: [Packetstorm](https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/167344/OpenSSL-1.0.2-1.1.1-3.0-BN_mod_sqrt-Infinite-Loop.html). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version `1.1.1n-r0` or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: `RUN apk upgrade libssl1.1`. | apk upgrade libssl1.1 | 1.1.1l-r0 | 1.1.1n-r0 | libssl1.1 CVE-2022-30065 | docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube | The package `ssl_client` version `1.32.1-r7` was detected in `APK package manager` on a container image running `Alpine 3.13.7` is vulnerable to `CVE-2022-30065`, which exists in versions `< 1.32.1-r9`. The vulnerability was found in the [Official Alpine Security Advisories](https://security.alpinelinux.org/vuln/CVE-2022-30065) with vendor severity: `High` ([NVD](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-30065) severity: `High`). The vulnerability can be remediated by updating the package to version `1.32.1-r9` or higher, by adding the following command to the Dockerfile: `RUN apk upgrade ssl_client`. | apk upgrade ssl_client | 1.32.1-r7 | 1.32.1-r9 | ssl_client

bradrydzewski commented 1 year ago

copying response from #3280

@sajithvasu the plan is to move all of our images to scratch. Drone is a statically compiled binary and does not require or use the container os or any of its packages (including those mentioned above). This means there is no material threat to Drone. Given Drone does not require a container OS or third party packages, we would prefer to eliminate future maintenance burden entirely by moving to scratch. This means the Drone image would only contain the Drone binary, and no other files or packages.

Also note that some of the images and repositories you mention above are archived / deprecated. We would not be going back and updating archived or deprecated software.

septatrix commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a timeline or progress update for the move to FROM scratch?