harness / gitness

Gitness is an Open Source developer platform with Source Control management, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.
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Add configuration values for the Pipelines created containers #3428

Closed ignaciolg closed 4 months ago

ignaciolg commented 10 months ago

I've tried to use my docker file template to deploy Gitness.

In that docker file, I define specific networks for the stack, and usually, I run everything without exposing ports by exposing the services with a tunnel (Cloudflare) or a proxy (Traefik)

Following this approach I have found that it is not possible to run pipelines, as they create the Drone container expecting to have access to Gitness using the 'http://host.docker.internal:3000/' address, instead of 'http://container_name:3000', accessible from the same docker network.

This results in an error on the first step of the pipeline that says 'unable to access 'http://host.docker.internal:3000/'

Changing the docker file by exposing the port makes it work.

It should be possible to specify the network for the newly created containers + where to find Gitness, as docker environment variables that can be passed on the container creation or as part of any docker file

cozyGalvinism commented 9 months ago

+1, am running into the same issue. I am running Gitness behind Traefik and this is pretty annoying.

bradrydzewski commented 9 months ago

Following this approach I have found that it is not possible to run pipelines, as they create the Drone container expecting to have access to Gitness using the 'http://host.docker.internal:3000/' address

I believe this is configurable using GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER https://github.com/harness/gitness/blob/a9895959ca593d81fc4a9da7a8e26ac77572ca97/types/config.go#L99-L104

indaco commented 8 months ago

Hello, any update on this?

@bradrydzewski GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER (not documented at all, Configuration) is the one I thought could work but... it does not.

Here is a simple docker-compose.yml file with just traefik and gitness

version: '3.8'

    container_name: traefik
    image: traefik:latest
    restart: always
      - my_net
      - '80:80/tcp'
      - ./config/traefik.yml:/etc/traefik/traefik.yml
      - ./logs/:/logs/
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      - 'traefik.enable=true'
      - 'traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(`traefik.localhost`)'
      - 'traefik.http.routers.traefik.service=api@internal'
      - 'traefik.http.routers.traefik.entrypoints=web'

    container_name: gitness
    image: harness/gitness:latest
    restart: always
      - my_net
      - '3000:3000'
      - GITNESS_DEBUG=true
      - GITNESS_URL_BASE=http://gitness.localhost
      - GITNESS_HTTP_PORT=3000
      - GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER=http://gitness:3000
      - GITNESS_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME=gitness_code_token
      - gitness_data:/data
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - 'traefik.enable=true'
      - 'traefik.http.services.gitness.loadbalancer.server.port=3000'
      - 'traefik.http.routers.gitness.rule=Host(`gitness.localhost`)'
      - 'traefik.http.routers.gitness.entrypoints=web'

    name: 'gitness_data'

    name: my_net

traefik confile file is a basic one, nothing special

# API and dashboard configuration
  # Dashboard
  dashboard: true
  insecure: false

# Docker configuration backend
    watch: true
    exposedByDefault: false
    swarmMode: false

# Traefik Logging & Access Logging
  level: ERROR
  filePath: /logs/traefik.log
  filePath: /logs/traefik_access.log

# Entrypoint
    address: ':80'

With this setup I can create project/repo/pipeline, clone, commit etc. All is working fine except running the pipeline failing at the clone step.

Cloning with 0 retries Initialized empty Git repository in /gitness/.git/ + git fetch origin +refs/heads/main: fatal: unable to access 'http://gitness.localhost/git/playground/go-hello.git/': Failed to connect to gitness port 80 after 2 ms: Connection refused 

I tried severals values for GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER but no way. E.g.

- GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER=http://gitness.localhost
- GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER=http://<container_name>
- GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER=http://<container_name>:3000
- GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER=http://<internal_container_ip>:3000

I tried to set the GITNESS_URL_INTERNAL env variable too


Who can help? Thanks

vistaarjuneja commented 7 months ago

@ignaciolg @indaco @cozyGalvinism thanks for trying out Gitness and for your insight! I think I understand the problem - currently we didn't have a way in gitness so that all created containers get added to a specific network or list of networks (this functionality does exist in drone: https://docs.drone.io/runner/docker/configuration/reference/drone-runner-networks/).

I think that small bit should solve this issue where that env variable can be added to the gitness container docker-compose (say GITNESS_CI_CONTAINER_NETWORKS=my_net) and then gitness and all created containers would run on the same network. So that, along with the set value of GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER should allow all containers to interact with gitness.

Let me know if the above makes sense - I do have a PR up for this and have done a basic sanity check using the above traefik config as reference but would be great to hear from you if you think there's a use case that's not being solved. Thanks!

vistaarjuneja commented 7 months ago

Hi folks, the above has been merged and will be available in the next release. We'll update the documentation with this use case. Let me know if you have any thoughts - thanks!

ignaciolg commented 6 months ago

Hi @vistaarjuneja

First, thank you for helping with a solution.

I've tried with the latest tag, the unstablegitnessdemo and the 3.0.0-beta.5 under podman with no succeed. It may be because of how Podman works with networks and spawning new containers, so I will check it later this week with a proper docker environment.

Is there any way to check if the CI runner is connected to the right network?

Here is my docker-compose

❯ cat docker-compose.yml
version: "3"
     name: homelab

    container_name: gitness
    image: docker.io/harness/gitness
      - homelab

        - GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER=http://gitness:3000
        - GITNESS_URL_BASE=https://my.fancy.domain
        - GITNESS_ENCRYPTER_SECRET=random_encrypter_secret

      - /home/dockerContainers/data/gitness:/data
      - /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

    restart: unless-stopped

And this is what I get on the pipeline

alex-dna-tech commented 5 months ago

To fix my issue #3485 i use GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER to change route to external domain.

version: "3"
    image: harness/gitness
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./data/gitness:/data
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - GITNESS_URL_BASE=https://gitness.${DOMAIN}
      - GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER=https://gitness.${DOMAIN}
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.gitness.rule=Host(`gitness.${DOMAIN}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.gitness.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.gitness.service=gitness-svc"
      - "traefik.http.services.gitness-svc.loadbalancer.server.port=3000"
jimsheldon commented 5 months ago

Gitness v3.0.0-beta.6 has been released.

Docs have been updated with GITNESS_CI_CONTAINER_NETWORKS and GITNESS_URL_CONTAINER variables.

ignaciolg commented 4 months ago

Working on Gitness v3.0.0-beta.6

A note for podman-compose users

I have created a new network called gitness on my compose.yaml. Not sure why, but podman-compose creates it as gitness_gitness as far as I was able to check using podman network ls

After using podlet to create quadlets (🤦 ) and enabling the service to get gitness up&&running on boot, the network name has changed to systemd-gitness

Using those value on the GITNESS_CI_CONTAINER_NETWORKS worked without problems as you can see on the image.

Keep this in mind


Thank you all! Its great to have a self hosted CI environment integrated on the git platform.


vistaarjuneja commented 4 months ago

thanks for trying @ignaciolg ! I'll go ahead and close the ticket, let me know if you face any other issues.