harness / gitness

Gitness is an Open Source developer platform with Source Control management, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery.
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No idea what to do to get token to get started with import for the quickstarter. #3492

Closed iconoclasthero closed 3 months ago

iconoclasthero commented 3 months ago

So i'm following the quick start guide and I get to the point where I want to do something, i.e., import a repo from my github. I get [the screenshot below] with zero context of what to do next, i.e., what's a "Token?" How do I get this token?

please show me what to do next to get started with your application specifically, what do i do to get this token. this probably is a link to the part of github where i generate the token that gitness needs. I don't want to spend time figuring out wtf this is and how to get it if i'm "quickstarting!"

incidentally, i'm really frustrated at this point because iw ent looking for a way to generate an oauth token for github and it's impossible to find. i really hate getting to stoping points like this because i know i'll never get back to this project if i don't make progress here and now. you really need to provide the quick-start user with all the context necessary to rip and roll getting this up and running.

Screenshot from 2024-03-30 12-17-58

fucksophie commented 3 months ago

More than sure it's one of these: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/managing-your-personal-access-tokens

bradrydzewski commented 3 months ago

That is correct, the token refers to your GitHub personal token, should you want to import a repository. You can create your personal token in your GitHub account settings (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FugonDV6RdE)

Note that you don't need to use the Import button to add an existing repository to Gitness — this is purely available for convenience. Similar to GitHub / GitLab / Bitbucket, you can also just create a new repository in Gitness and then git push your code to it. The instructions for this would be displayed in the user interface at the time of repository creation.

bradrydzewski commented 3 months ago

So i'm following the quick start guide and I get to the point where I want to do something, i.e., import a repo from my github [...] How do I get this token? [...] you really need to provide the quick-start user with all the context necessary to rip and roll getting this up and running.

I double-checked our Quick Start guide in the documentation

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 9 58 34 AM

And our documentation does explicitly instruct our users to create a personal access token, with a link to the GitHub documentation, which has detailed instructions for token creation.

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 9 51 17 AM

I understand that it can be frustrating when you struggle to use a product. The challenge with product design is that something can be crystal clear to one segment of users, but confusing to another segment. I do think our documentation on this topic is more than adequate, however, we can certainly improve the in-product experience by renaming "Token" to "Personal Token" and by providing a link to our documentation from the Import popup.

Also please note that if you continue to feel frustrated with the product and are having difficulty with our documentation, please consider using our Slack channel for help https://docs.gitness.com/support