haroldadmin / Vector

Kotlin Coroutines based MVI architecture library for Android
Apache License 2.0
193 stars 9 forks source link

Any plan to remove kotlin-reflect? #24

Open kaushalyap opened 4 years ago

kaushalyap commented 4 years ago

I see this library also uses kotlin-reflect just like MvRx, problem with kotlin-reflect is impact on apk size. MvRx have come up with a solution. Any plan to remove kotlin-reflect from Vector?

haroldadmin commented 4 years ago

Hi @kaushalyap! Thanks for bringing up this issue.

Yep, Vector depends on kotlin-reflect. I really want to remove it too. I'll take a look at the PR you linked and try to perform everything Vector needs using plain old java-reflection. Not promising an ETA, though.

kaushalyap commented 4 years ago

@haroldadmin thanks for quick response

Side question: do you consider Vector production ready?

haroldadmin commented 4 years ago

I use Vector in production in MoonShot, and I'm really happy with it. However, this project still hasn't hit 1.0 yet, so that should tell you where the API stability stands :)

For small apps and side projects, I'd definitely recommend at least trying it out.