haroldadmin / WhatTheStack

See a pretty error screen when your Android app crashes
Apache License 2.0
245 stars 22 forks source link

Additional stack trace options & list items #1

Open cioccarellia opened 4 years ago

cioccarellia commented 4 years ago

This library is incredibly awesome, it's a tiny idea that can dramatically improve developing experience.

I haven't had the pleasure yet to test and use it yet but I can tell you a couple of ideas that came to my mind (Maybe with time I can create a pr and add them)

Instead of exception, cause, message thrown, a RecyclerView listing an icon together with the title, and a content TextView for each field could be used, so you have nicer animations, better graphic and higher flexibility (If one day you want to add another field to show).

Plus, you could add a "Share Logcat" button alongside "Copy Logcat", to provide more options.

haroldadmin commented 4 years ago

Those are all great ideas! I threw this library together over a couple of days so I didn't a lot of time to include other stats. I'd really like the ability to see the logs and use Epoxy for a dynamic error screen. Not sure if I can give you an ETA on these features, but I'm open to contributions from the community.