haroldo-ok / BlocklyVN8bit

This is a mashup between BlocklyVN32X and 8Bit-Unity. It allows you to make Visual Novels for classic 8bit computers and consoles, using a visual scripting language.
Apache License 2.0
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character name #19

Open zartan9 opened 2 years ago

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

hi when using say "text" is there a way to hide "character name" tab above? or have the name change every time (But itd be easier if i could just hide it. I cant figure out "TEXT" tab linked to picture, so SAY i think is best way...

side note: i see you made pazzt too, can bitsy convert to zzt in your other converter? https://rabbitboots.com/blog/2018/05/04/maze-minders-bitsy-to-zzt/ would "sharp" help it convert to 8bit? https://github.com/lordofduct/BitsySharp

haroldo-ok commented 2 years ago

Currently, there is no option to hide the character name, but it shouldn't be very difficult to implement.

Converting to ZZT sounds like a cool idea, and it is looks possible, but the results would be limited, mainly since the character set is not redefinable; anyway, the suggestion has been registered for later (https://github.com/haroldo-ok/bitsy-converter/issues/17)

Using BitsySharp to convert it to 8 bit platforms wouldn't help much, since the language is mostly designed for more robust platforms, and while there exist C# compilers targeting 8 bit platforms, they only implement a subset of the language/API. and BitsySharp probably isn't designed with those limitations in mind.

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

ah i see! great. Yes please keep me posted about character name hide (or way to change it each time character speaks) as im starting to prototype more and more in blocklyvn8bit :)

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

also (unrelated to char name, but to text in general) is there a way to have the text and black bg partially show the picture below? like 50 percent transparent? thanks be well.

haroldo-ok commented 2 years ago


Unfortunately, the targeted platforms don't have support for translucency.

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

got it. I can make the jpg with the text included as a work around if need be. :)

haroldo-ok commented 2 years ago

That could work, depending on how the image is tailored, but you must keep in mind the color limitations

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

ah yes thanks for reminder. I like how blocklyvn8bit has a bigger picture background than say "DAAD" https://github.com/daad-adventure-writer/daad but i notice DAAD has text under...is there a way to maybe move the text down to bottom in blocklyvn8bit to make the picture look bigger/more visual. Keep up nice work!

haroldo-ok commented 2 years ago

Good idea; it would certainly be nice for the user to be able to configure the visual layout. Added to the "todo" list: https://github.com/haroldo-ok/BlocklyVN8bit/issues/20

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

for the logic I have it so when user presses 1 goes to a dif bg then if presses 2.. but then the options 1/2 show up again... how can I progress like if someone presses 1 then the option to press 3 to go to bg3, then 7 to go to bg7 and not go back? meaning i can add to go to next scenes but it always loops back to the start.. is there like an "end" option. PS what to do after 9 number choices i may need like 100?! :) thanks.. logic

haroldo-ok commented 2 years ago


In order to prevent the user to go back to a previous choice, it would be necessary to set some variable to identify that the choice was used and put the option inside an "if" block; this would allow to show or hide options dinamically.

There currently isn't an "end" option; one alternative would be to create a block that keeps looping to itself.

As for menus with large amount of options, the application isn't currently capable of handling those.

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

hi i understand the idea of a loop as a way to kinda end the game in the screen the person is in :) Ill look into how to see if variables was used. as far as options for large menus, can letter variables be used? like if condition = a, jump to another scene.. this would give 26 options at least !

haroldo-ok commented 2 years ago

The main problem would lie in fitting all the options on the screen; maybe adding some scrolling mechanism to the menu would be a more realistic option.

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

ah sorry i wasnt clear i mean like every new screen 2 more new options (so only 2 or 3 options per scene)... i think im getting it changing the variable numbers 👍 keep on gaming! :)

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

building to test prg is showing blue lines for pictures...is there any format i need the pictures to work better? blu text works fine...

haroldo-ok commented 2 years ago

AFAIK, for BlocklyVN8Bit, it must be valid a 320 x 200 PNG image. The 8bitunity library also places further restrictions, but BlocklyVN8Bit should, in theory, automatically convert an generic PNG to the more strict format that 8bitunity requires.

Did some error appear during the build process?

zartan9 commented 2 years ago

thanks that fixed it, it went to 202 pixels some how! I didnt see any errors... do the images for the portraits have to be smaller/another size? happy new year!

haroldo-ok commented 2 years ago

That's weird.. BlocklyVN32x, which BlocklyVN8Bit was based on, used a fixed resolution of 320 x 202; maybe there exists some remaining code that would be still doing that, under some circunstances? That would certainly be a bug.

As for the portraits, BlocklyVN8Bit should be automatically resizing them to fit the screen height, should they become too tall. Of course, there's always the possibility of there being some bug; if you want to resize the portraits manually, you should try to keep them smaller than 200 pixels, but, again, the tool should be resizing them automatically.