Also, dplyr / tidyr column selections need to be preceded by the .data pronoun, i.e. .data$colname. This prevents errors when running R CMD CHECK on the package.
Thanks for the corrections! I should have seen that the sorting should be inside !is.null. I will look into the tidyverse style guide for future commits.
Thanks for the quick PR.
I moved the sorting to inside the
to make sure the app doesn't crash when it has no data to fill the select.Also there are some styling considerations to help readability I should have told you about:
and mathematical operators should have one space on each side. I tend to think of them as words, which helps to remind me<-
appear on consecutive lines they should be underneath each otherIn general we try to follow the tidyverse style guide
Also, dplyr / tidyr column selections need to be preceded by the
. This prevents errors when running R CMD CHECK on the package.Otherwise I think this fixes #26