harrison991 / RE-Assesment

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Other Video Not working #9

Closed RGBSchool closed 3 weeks ago

RGBSchool commented 3 weeks ago

If Hbomb has an embedded video on their website that isn't working properly, here’s a general guide on how they can fix it:

Steps to Fix Embedded Video Issues: Check the Video Link: Ensure the video link is correct. If it’s from a platform like YouTube, make sure the embed code is up-to-date.

Verify Embed Code: If the video is hosted on a platform like YouTube or Vimeo, double-check the embed code. Make sure it's copied correctly, including all necessary parameters.

Inspect Browser Console: Open the browser’s developer console (usually by pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I and selecting the "Console" tab) to check for any errors that might indicate what’s wrong with the video.

Check Browser Compatibility: Some videos might not display correctly in all browsers. Test the website on multiple browsers to ensure compatibility.

Responsive Design: Ensure that the video player is responsive and adapts well to different screen sizes. You can use CSS to make sure the embedded video scales properly on mobile devices.

Check for Conflicting Code: Make sure that there isn’t any JavaScript or CSS on the page that’s interfering with the video’s ability to load or play.

Hosting Issues: If the video is self-hosted, check the hosting server for any issues, like slow loading times or incorrect file paths.

Why Publishing an Unfinished Website is Not Ideal: First Impressions Matter: When people visit a website, they form an opinion within seconds. If the site is unfinished or has broken elements, it could damage Hbomb’s credibility.

SEO Penalty: Search engines may penalize unfinished websites with broken links or missing content, making it harder for people to find the site through search engines.

User Experience: A poor user experience on an unfinished site can lead to high bounce rates, meaning visitors leave quickly and might not return.

Security Risks: An unfinished website might have security vulnerabilities that could be exploited, especially if it’s not properly tested.

Hbomb should consider finishing up key elements of the website before making it public. It's fine to test the site privately, but publishing it too soon could lead to these avoidable issues.

harrison991 commented 3 weeks ago

I may just embed the video, stand by

RGBSchool commented 3 weeks ago

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harrison991 commented 3 weeks ago

I embedded the video