harry0192 / A01-2023-CMP1903

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Hubert Kurpiel 26505141 #3

Open HubiBerry opened 1 year ago

HubiBerry commented 1 year ago

You can Use string interpolation instead of concatenation Instead of using the + operator to concatenate strings within your code, you can also use string interpolation, which makes the code more readable, you can also use Use int.TryParse() instead of int.Parse() because when you read the user input person that is allowed to handle invalid input in easier way. There's lack of using var too, because When you're declaring variables whose type is obvious from the right-hand side of the assignment, you can use the var keyword instead of explicitly typing the variable. The code is not in any need of more work, and even that the code can be better, and the code can't really handle many errors properly although the code is in good state and the user is not in need of many improvements. Here are three questions asked so you can improve your code.

  1. How random is the randomness within the code? To what extent is it random?
  2. Is the structure of the code in the good shape?
  3. How difficult is the code to understand for the beginner programmist?
HubiBerry commented 1 year ago

The code is not well-documented, there are no comments to explain the purpose of the different sections of code or the logic behind it. This could make it harder for someone else to understand and modify the code in the future. The code seems to be functional but there are some areas where it could be improved. For example, the input validation for the shuffle type is limited to only checking if the user entered a number between 1 and 4. It would be better to add error handling in case the user enters a non-integer or a number outside of this range.

Similarly, the input validation for the number of cards to deal is also limited to only accepting 1 or 5. It would be better to allow the user to enter any number of cards to deal, as long as it is within the range of cards remaining in the deck.

In general, the code could benefit from more error handling and input validation to prevent crashes or unexpected behaviour. One suggestion to improve the code would be to separate the user interface (UI) code from the game logic code. This would make the code easier to modify or update in the future, as changes to the UI would not affect the game logic and vice versa. Overall, while the code seems functional, there is room for improvement in terms of documentation, error handling, and separating the UI and game logic code.

1.Is the user interface intuitive and easy to use? Are there any improvements that could be made to make the program more user-friendly?

  1. Does the code follow best practices for object-oriented programming? Are there any areas where the code could be refactored to improve its design?

  2. Are there any performance issues with the code, such as slow execution times or high memory usage? If so, what steps could be taken to optimize the code?