harry0703 / MoneyPrinterTurbo

利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM.
MIT License
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downloading videos 卡很久 #273

Closed mazhenke closed 5 months ago

mazhenke commented 6 months ago

(MoneyPrinterTurbo) mzk@DESKTOP-9LJNKOC:/mnt/e/Work/MoneyPrinterTurbo/MoneyPrinterTurbo$ sh ./webui.sh

You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.


**** sys.path **** ['./webui/Main.py', './webui', '/home/mzk/miniconda3/envs/MoneyPrinterTurbo/bin', '/home/mzk/miniconda3/envs/MoneyPrinterTurbo/lib/python310.zip', '/home/mzk/miniconda3/envs/MoneyPrinterTurbo/lib/python3.10', '/home/mzk/miniconda3/envs/MoneyPrinterTurbo/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload', '/home/mzk/miniconda3/envs/MoneyPrinterTurbo/lib/python3.10/site-packages', '/mnt/e/Work/MoneyPrinterTurbo/MoneyPrinterTurbo']

2024-04-17 00:06:48.064 | INFO | app.config.config:load_config:22 - load config from file: /mnt/e/Work/MoneyPrinterTurbo/MoneyPrinterTurbo/config.toml 2024-04-17 00:06:48.065 | INFO | app.config.config::70 - MoneyPrinterTurbo v1.1.2 zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural tcgetpgrp failed: Not a tty zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural 2024-04-17 00:07:14 | INFO | "./app/services/llm.py:275": generate_terms - subject: 春天,美景,踏春,赏花,美女,好心情 2024-04-17 00:07:14 | DEBUG | "./app/services/llm.py:276": generate_terms - prompt:

Role: Video Search Terms Generator


Generate 5 search terms for stock videos, depending on the subject of a video.


  1. the search terms are to be returned as a json-array of strings.
  2. each search term should consist of 1-3 words, always add the main subject of the video.
  3. you must only return the json-array of strings. you must not return anything else. you must not return the script.
  4. the search terms must be related to the subject of the video.
  5. reply with english search terms only.

Output Example:

["search term 1", "search term 2", "search term 3","search term 4","search term 5"]


Video Subject


Video Script


Please note that you must use English for generating video search terms; Chinese is not accepted. 2024-04-17 00:07:14 | INFO | "./app/services/llm.py:16": _generate_response - llm provider: qwen 2024-04-17 00:07:15 | SUCCESS | "./app/services/llm.py:296": generate_terms - completed: ['Spring Scenery', 'Flower Appreciation', 'Outdoor Adventure', 'Garden Walk', 'Beautiful Mood'] zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural 2024-04-17 00:07:18 | INFO | "./webui/Main.py:431": - 开始生成视频 2024-04-17 00:07:18 | INFO | "./webui/Main.py:432": - { "video_subject": "春天,美景,踏春,赏花,美女,好心情", "video_language": "", "video_script": "春风轻拂,万物复苏。在这生机盎然的春天里,我们相约共赴一场与大自然的美丽邂逅。眼前,一幅幅如诗如画的美景铺展开来,绿意盎然的草地、娇艳欲滴的花朵、清澈流淌的小溪,构成了一幅生动而和谐的春日画卷。踏春之行,仿佛是一首欢快的交响曲,每一步都踩在了希望与活力的节拍上。漫步于花海之间,各色花卉争奇斗艳,樱花的粉嫩、桃花的妩媚、郁金香的典雅,各自释放着独特的魅力,吸引着游人驻足欣赏", "video_terms": "Spring Scenery, Flower Appreciation, Outdoor Adventure, Garden Walk, Beautiful Mood", "video_concat_mode": "random", "video_aspect": "9:16", "video_clip_duration": 3, "video_count": 1, "voice_name": "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural-Female", "voice_volume": 1.0, "bgm_volume": 0.2, "subtitle_enabled": true, "font_name": "STHeitiLight.ttc", "subtitle_position": "bottom", "text_fore_color": "#FFFFFF", "font_size": 60, "stroke_color": "#000000", "stroke_width": 1.5 } 2024-04-17 00:07:18 | INFO | "./app/services/task.py:30": start - start task: 3182d7f6-8217-43a7-95c0-ed539b2165f5 2024-04-17 00:07:18 | INFO | "./app/services/task.py:39": start -

generating video script

2024-04-17 00:07:18 | DEBUG | "./app/services/task.py:45": start - video script: 春风轻拂,万物复苏。在这生机盎然的春天里,我们相约共赴一场与大自然的美丽邂逅。眼前,一幅幅如诗如画的美景铺展开来,绿意盎然的草地、娇艳欲滴的花朵、清澈流淌的小溪,构成了一幅生动而和谐的春日画卷。踏春之行,仿佛是一首欢快的交响曲,每一步都踩在了希望与活力的节拍上。漫步于花海之间,各色花卉争奇斗艳,樱花的粉嫩、桃花的妩媚、郁金香的典雅,各自释放着独特的魅力,吸引着游人驻足欣赏 2024-04-17 00:07:18 | INFO | "./app/services/task.py:49": start -

generating video terms

2024-04-17 00:07:18 | DEBUG | "./app/services/task.py:61": start - video terms: [ "Spring Scenery", "Flower Appreciation", "Outdoor Adventure", "Garden Walk", "Beautiful Mood" ] 2024-04-17 00:07:18 | INFO | "./app/services/task.py:75": start -

generating audio

zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural 2024-04-17 00:07:18 | INFO | "./app/services/voice.py:1042": azure_tts_v1 - start, voice name: zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural, try: 1 2024-04-17 00:07:21 | INFO | "./app/services/voice.py:1060": azure_tts_v1 - completed, output file: ./storage/tasks/3182d7f6-8217-43a7-95c0-ed539b2165f5/audio.mp3 2024-04-17 00:07:21 | INFO | "./app/services/task.py:93": start -

generating subtitle, provider: edge

2024-04-17 00:07:21 | INFO | "./app/services/voice.py:1232": create_subtitle - completed, subtitle file created: ./storage/tasks/3182d7f6-8217-43a7-95c0-ed539b2165f5/subtitle.srt, duration: 39.188 2024-04-17 00:07:21 | INFO | "./app/services/task.py:113": start -

downloading videos

2024-04-17 00:07:21 | INFO | "./app/services/material.py:51": search_videos - searching videos: https://api.pexels.com/videos/search?query=Spring+Scenery&per_page=20&orientation=portrait, with proxies: {} 2024-04-17 00:07:21 | INFO | "./app/services/material.py:140": download_videos - found 19 videos for 'Spring Scenery' 2024-04-17 00:07:21 | INFO | "./app/services/material.py:51": search_videos - searching videos: https://api.pexels.com/videos/search?query=Flower+Appreciation&per_page=20&orientation=portrait, with proxies: {}

卡在这很久没有相应,试了很多次都是这样,是 r = requests.get(query_url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, verify=False) 失败了吗? 建议增加个reqeust的timeout,让用户知道到底是在工作呢还是网络有问题

harry0703 commented 5 months ago

很好的建议,应该是网络问题,你可以先改下这行代码 已经加了超时了,你可以更新代码再试试看