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Wgmulti on linux #5

Closed Pancronos closed 6 years ago

Pancronos commented 7 years ago

My wgmulti goes in error after loading webgrab++config. On ubuntu all the files and folders are in a folder called webgrabtest ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Scrivania/webgrabtest$ mono wgmulti.exe #####################################################

wgmulti for WebGrab++ by Harry_GG


System: Unix Arguments: None ConfigDir: /home/ubuntu/Scrivania/webgrabtest/ Build config from JSON file: True JsonConfigFileName: wgmulti.channels.json MaxAsyncProcesses: 15 GroupChannelsBySiteIni: True MaxChannelsInGroup: 10 ConvertTimesToLocal: True ShowConsole: True

Execution started at: 07/09/2017 15:35:23 Loading configuration from /home/ubuntu/Scrivania/webgrabtest/WebGrab++.config.xml settings node loaded "filename" value is set to "/home/ubuntu/Scrivania/webgrabtest/test.xml" filename set to /home/ubuntu/Scrivania/webgrabtest/test.xml "mode" value is set to "m n" "proxy" value is set to "automatic" "user-agent" value is set to "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.98 Safari/537.36" "logging" value is set to "on" "skip" value not found! Using the default value "noskip" "timespan" value is set to "0" "update" value is set to "f" "retry" value is set to "2" "time-out" value is set to "5" "channel-delay" value not found! Using the default value "5" "index-delay" value not found! Using the default value "1" "show-delay" value not found! Using the default value "1" "postprocess" value is set to "rex" "run" value is set to "n" "grab" value is set to "y" Is postprocess enabled: False Splitting channels into 1 groups Grabber RAIPLAY.IT | ERROR | Ini file does not exist. Grabbing will be skipped! /home/ubuntu/Scrivania/webgrabtest/raiplay.it.ini No active grabbing created. Exiting! ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Scrivania/webgrabtest$

The site ini is present in 2 subfolders of webgrabtest: siteini.pack and siteini.user, so it looks like is not looking in subfolders for the ini .

harrygg commented 7 years ago

I must have accidently commited an untested version. Please downgrade or set BuildConfigFromJSON to false.

Pancronos commented 7 years ago

set it like

<add key="BuildConfigFromJson" value="false" />    

but still no luck. I downloaded the version in the branch channel_by_number that seems to be 5 months old...still no luck with true or false in that value. Issue is the same

harrygg commented 7 years ago

Please try the latest one I uploaded: https://github.com/harrygg/xmltv-tools/tree/master/wgmulti/bin/Debug

Pancronos commented 7 years ago

Hello Harry, the one posted in Debug works ok. Unfortunately it looks like that if the post process is enabled (rex in my case) you get errors and then it crash: `Grabber TBNUK.ORG.UK | Parsing XML output

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file "/tmp/wgmulti/tbnuk.org.uk/epg.xml" File name: '/tmp/wgmulti/tbnuk.org.uk/epg.xml' at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize, System.Boolean anonymous, System.IO.FileOptions options) [0x0019e] in <8dab04c9e11049579ba5c8d3adeb8085>:0 at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share, System.Int32 bufferSize) [0x00000] in <8dab04c9e11049579ba5c8d3adeb8085>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int) ` This happens the first time you run. I tried to run without postprocess (all ok) and then with incremental mode and postprocess enabled and it worked. I checked after the first run (without postprocess) and it created the /tmp/wgmulti/tbnuk.org.uk/epg.xml I think it needs a little tune-up for the first time so postprocess doesn't look for something it has not been grabbed yet, at least that's what the problem looks like. Can you make sure that if enabled in webgrab++config.xml postprocess occurs after the actual grab ? Thanks

harrygg commented 7 years ago

Yes I am aware. This new version is still in development and I haven't tested the post process. There is a zip file in the Debug folder which contains the old version of wgmulti.exe and that one should work with post process enabled.

Pancronos commented 7 years ago

with the zip version and post process enabled don't get what is in siteini.user: `ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Scrivania/webgrab$ mono wgmulti.exe #####################################################

wgmulti for WebGrab++ by Harry_GG


wgmulti started on Unix Arguments: None Using config folder: /home/ubuntu/Scrivania/webgrab Max WebGrab instances: 50 Convert programmes' times to local time: True Show WebGrab+ UI: False

Execution started at: 09/09/2017 10:05:21 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at wgmulti.Config.GetChannels () [0x0007b] in :0 Splitting channels into groups according to siteini 60 grabbers will be created Grabber GUIDATVMOD.SKY.IT | ERROR | Ini file does not exist. Grabbing will be skipped! /home/ubuntu/Scrivania/webgrab/guidatvmod.sky.it.ini ` it will also be good if you can add a version/revision number.

Pancronos commented 6 years ago

Working ok on latest release. Again suggest a wgmulti version be shown in log: #################################################

Wgmulti.exe for WebGrab+Plus by Harry_GG Ver.1.0