harshalhonde21 / EcommerceSpectastyle

Through this project, we aim to not only learn but also innovate, leveraging the power of the MERN stack to create scalable and efficient solutions. By incorporating cutting-edge warehouse management techniques, we're poised to deliver a comprehensive Ecommerce platform that sets new standards in online retail
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adding carousel #88

Open Harshitazz opened 1 month ago

Harshitazz commented 1 month ago

carousel increase the overall appeal of site

GarimaSingh0109 commented 1 month ago

Hey @harshalhonde21 I am willing to contribute to your project under #gssoc'24. I have also made an ecommerce website in react . I can add carousel to your project. I have good experience of using bootstrap and other third party frameworks which will help us enhance the UI UX of the project. Kindly assign me this issue to work upon.

AmrutaZagade commented 1 month ago

Hey @harshalhonde21 ,I'm willing to contribute to this project for GSSoC24. I have also made an e-commerce website. Could you please assign me this issue? I'm eager to work on it.

harshalhonde21 commented 1 month ago

Do the work of issue you all three but who ever comes first with great document PR will be merge