harshitgupta028 / portfolio

My Portfolio application.
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Alignment issues in project section #22

Closed harshitgupta028 closed 1 month ago

harshitgupta028 commented 1 month ago

In the project section, the buttons are not properly aligned with other project

FullStackWebDeveloper-HARSH commented 1 month ago

Proposed Design Options

Option 1: Flexbox Layout Description: Use CSS Flexbox to align the project buttons consistently within each project container. Implementation: Advantages: ->Simple and straightforward to implement. ->Ensures consistent alignment across different screen sizes. Disadvantages: ->Requires adjusting the width and margin values to ensure proper spacing.

Option 2: CSS Grid Layout Description: Utilize CSS Grid to ensure that all elements within the project section are consistently aligned. Implementation: Advantages: ->More control over the layout, especially for complex designs. ->Automatically adjusts the number of columns based on screen size. Disadvantages: ->Slightly more complex to implement compared to Flexbox.

Time Estimate Analysis and Planning: 2 hours Implementation: Flexbox Layout: 4 hours CSS Grid Layout: 6 hours Testing and Adjustments: 3 hours

Total Estimate: Flexbox Layout: 9 hours CSS Grid Layout: 11 hours

harshitgupta028 commented 1 month ago

Hi @FullStackWebDeveloper-HARSH, thanks for the Proposed Design Options.

current implementation of all the sections is with CSS Grid Layout you can see the portfolio here https://portfolio-4rsg.onrender.com/ in case you didn't see it.

Also, you can create a pull request if you have fixed the alignment I'll review it and merge it to the main branch.

Steps to raise a pull request.

  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Clone it on your local.
  3. Create the new branch.
  4. Fix the issue.
  5. Push the changes to your forked repo.
  6. Then raise a pull request to the original repo.

You can also follow this official guide to contribute https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/exploring-projects-on-github/contributing-to-a-project

regards, Harshit.

FullStackWebDeveloper-HARSH commented 1 month ago

Subject: Pull Request Raised for Issue #22

Hi Harshit, I wanted to inform you that I have raised a Pull Request to address Issue #22 in your portfolio repository. The changes involve adjusting the position of the .project__buttons div to improve the layout. Below are the details of the PR:

Pull Request: https://github.com/harshitgupta028/portfolio/pull/25

Description: ->This PR addresses Issue #22 by adding a new CSS class .robotic-view to adjust the top property and move the .project__buttons div upwards.

Changes: ->Added a new CSS class .robotic-view to adjust the top property and move the .project__buttons div upwards. ->Updated the HTML to include the .robotic-view class for the relevant div.

Testing: ->Verified that the buttons are correctly aligned across different screen sizes. ->Ensured that the layout remains responsive and visually consistent. ->Please review the PR at your convenience and let me know if there are any further adjustments needed.

Thank you for considering my contribution. Best regards, Harsh.

harshitgupta028 commented 1 month ago

Hi @FullStackWebDeveloper-HARSH,

I've reviewed your code change, I appreciate your solution but I've requested some changes in it you can check the PR comment, I've written the detailed comment/feedback.

You can submit the PR with that change, I will review and merge it.

regards, Harshit.