The project is a flow of sign up process consisting of signup page, OTP input page, referral page.
SignUp Page
The signup page would contain three fields for the user to enter
2.password password
The email field need to meet constraints failing which respective error message 'Email cannot be blank/Email is invalid'
message needs to be displayed
The password field needs to meet constraints failing which, password strength of type weak,medium,strong should be
displayed based on constraints specified.
The re-enter password field needs to check for the match of the password, if passed password match! message needs to
be displayed
The signup button should be enabled , if all the fields passes with no errors.
On click of signup button should enable loader and move to OTP page
OTP Page
The OTP page would contain five fields for numbers to be entered by the user
The fields include:
Five fields which takes number
The fields should be filled with numbers.
Submit should be enabled on filling all fields, which should make an API call to move to referral page
Referral Page
The referral page would have alphanumeric field for user to enter referral data.
The fields include:
Referral Input
The referral input should accept alphanumeric code
If the user doesn't have referral code , user can opt for 'I don't have it!' option.
On successful submission of referral input
Congratulations Page
The page is to be designed to show user message with referrer name
Page for No Referral
The page is to be designed to show user the queue to continue signup process
Website Signup Referral
The project is a flow of sign up process consisting of signup page, OTP input page, referral page.
SignUp Page
The signup page would contain three fields for the user to enter 2.password password
OTP Page
The OTP page would contain five fields for numbers to be entered by the user The fields include:
Referral Page
The referral page would have alphanumeric field for user to enter referral data. The fields include:
Congratulations Page
The page is to be designed to show user message with referrer name
Page for No Referral
The page is to be designed to show user the queue to continue signup process