harshraj22 / Dis-Sim

Microservice for calculating image similarity. Uses Message Queues.
MIT License
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Add Retry Mechanism #78

Open harshraj22 opened 1 year ago

harshraj22 commented 1 year ago

Read this answer from bard:

You are right, I didn't add anything to Kafka and Celery. If they are down, the submit() method will fail and the circuit breaker will be opened. To prevent this, you can add a retry mechanism to the submit() method. The retry mechanism will try to call the submit() method a few times before giving up.

Here is an example of how to add a retry mechanism to the submit() method:

import time

async def submit(img1: UploadFile = UploadFile(filename='img1'), img2: UploadFile = UploadFile(filename='img2'), user_id = Depends(auth_wrapper)) -> str:
    Submit two images to be compared. The images are put into the message
    queue, and the id corresponding to the task is returned.

    Note: One can only send JSON objects from Fastapi. So, the images are
    encoded as base64 strings. On the Celery side, the images are decoded
    back to bytes.
    logger.info(f'user_id {user_id} submitted a post request.')

    if not is_allowed(user_id):
        raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail='Rate Limit Exceeded')
    # shutil.copyfileobj(img1.file, open(img1.filename, 'wb'))
    img1_contents = await img1.read()
    img2_contents = await img2.read()
    data = {
            "img1": base64.b64encode(img1_contents).decode("utf-8"),
            "img2": base64.b64encode(img2_contents).decode("utf-8"),

    logger.info(f'Sending data to kafka: {data.keys()}')
    producer.send(KAFKA_TOPIC, json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8"))

    for _ in range(3):
            return celery_app.send_task(
        except Exception as e:

    raise HTTPException(status_code=502, detail='Kafka or Celery is down.')

The submit() method will now try to call the submit() method 3 times before giving up. If the submit() method fails all 3 times, the submit() method will raise an exception.

By adding a retry mechanism to the submit() method, you can help to prevent your FastAPI microservice from failing if Kafka or Celery are down.