harshsbais / Amazon-Price-Drop-Alert

A python script that will send you an email when the price for specific items you followed on Amazon drops beneath a certain price you set.
46 stars 17 forks source link

Make the GUI of the app using PyQt5 #11

Closed harshsbais closed 3 years ago

Vashuev commented 3 years ago

Hello, GUI app is new for me, but I want to work on it, I saw the GUI based on Tkinter, their are some issues ( seen on the window-OS) like:

  1. The size of the window and it's components are not fixed,
  2. no font color is their
  3. Size of the font on the Button and Labels is small
  4. Input box ( Entry) is too small amazon-price

I will work on the above issues and add functionality like:

  1. Status bar
  2. Pop up message, instead of rendering in the same window
  3. icon ( if someone provides it)
  4. Exception handling in user input

@harshsbais please assigned it, also if any there is any function that can be added in GUI please tell

harshsbais commented 3 years ago

Can you make the GUI using PyQt Web Engine; there seems to be some issue with TKinter on MacOS.

Vashuev commented 3 years ago

Yes, please assign it to me. Thanks

harshsbais commented 3 years ago

I made few changes to the app, I completely deleted TKinter GUI and added basic PyQt GUI