hartator / wayback-machine-downloader

Download an entire website from the Wayback Machine.
5.24k stars 691 forks source link

Permission denied - connect(2) for "web.archive.org" port 443 #273

Open lacertrader opened 8 months ago

lacertrader commented 8 months ago

No works anymore, all time I try (for any site) I receive the same error:

C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/3.1.0/net/http.rb:1018:in `initialize': Nenhuma conexÒo p¶de ser feita porque a mßquina de destino as recusou ativamente. - connect(2) for "web.archive.org" port 443 (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)

jtwill98 commented 8 months ago

I think the archive.org site adding a limit on number of files to be downloaded in a time period. I can download maybe 6 or 7 files before I see the error. I added a sleep 60 into a script after downloading 6 files and it seems to be working ... slowly.. :-(

davidpfister commented 8 months ago

I get the same error every now and then. My two cents to this issue: why not retrying after a failure (i.e. ECONREFUSED) and putting a sleep only in this case?

rustam commented 8 months ago

got same error, solved by sleep 2 seconds every download.

setiawan-chandra commented 8 months ago

how to add sleep 2 seconds every download ? @rustam

davidpfister commented 8 months ago

@setiawan-chandra you can do it with a simple script. In powershell, I used

wayback_machine_downloader <website> -l -a --from 2023 > files.txt
Get-Content .\files.txt | ForEach-Object {Start-Sleep -Seconds 2; wayback_machine_downloader $_ --from 2023 -e}

The -l option in the first line get you the list of files. Then, you simply download them one by one with a pause in between.

setiawan-chandra commented 8 months ago

i think it's not working @davidpfister wayback_machine_downloader https://www.tes.com/ -l -a --from 20230303085651 > files.txt Get-Content .\files.txt | ForEach-Object {Start-Sleep -Seconds 2; wayback_machinedownloader $ --from 20230303085651 -e} Getting snapshot pages.. found 10 snaphots to consider.

ForEach-Object: command not found Get-Content: command not found /home/jacky/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0/gems/wayback_machine_downloader-2.3.1/bin/wayback_machine_downloader:64:in <top (required)>': invalid option: -} (OptionParser::InvalidOption) from /home/jacky/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.3.0/bin/wayback_machine_downloader:25:inload' from /home/jacky/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.3.0/bin/wayback_machine_downloader:25:in <main>' /home/jacky/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0/gems/wayback_machine_downloader-2.3.1/bin/wayback_machine_downloader:64:in<top (required)>': invalid option: } (OptionParser::InvalidOption) from /home/jacky/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.3.0/bin/wayback_machine_downloader:25:in load' from /home/jacky/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.3.0/bin/wayback_machine_downloader:25:in


davidpfister commented 8 months ago

@setiawan-chandra, do you have powershell? and which version? Open your powershell terminal with elevated permissions and run the command one by one. If that still does not work then you have an issue with your PS install. Anyway, the PS script is just one way to do it. You could do the same in bash or python, or else. Whatever you feel more confortable with.

setiawan-chandra commented 8 months ago
Screenshot 2024-01-11 091802

it's true if i running this command like this? @davidpfister

davidpfister commented 7 months ago

@setiawan-chandra if you are on windows, just start powershell from the start menu. Or start a powershell terminal rather than using it from WSL. If you still want to use it with your WSL shell, then you might need to import some PS modules. Try to do

Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -Force -Verbose

that should get you the Get-... Cmdlet

rustam commented 7 months ago

@setiawan-chandra , just go lib directory for wayback_machine-downloader, then add sleep(3) to download_files method of wayback_machine_downloader.rb, my case line 213, currently changed that 2 secs to 3 secs

cd /var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/wayback_machine_downloader-2.3.1/lib

def download_files start_time = Time.now puts "Downloading #{@base_url} to #{backup_path} from Wayback Machine archives." puts

if file_list_by_timestamp.count == 0
  puts "No files to download."
  puts "Possible reasons:"
  puts "\t* Site is not in Wayback Machine Archive."
  puts "\t* From timestamp too much in the future." if @from_timestamp and @from_timestamp != 0
  puts "\t* To timestamp too much in the past." if @to_timestamp and @to_timestamp != 0
  puts "\t* Only filter too restrictive (#{only_filter.to_s})" if @only_filter
  puts "\t* Exclude filter too wide (#{exclude_filter.to_s})" if @exclude_filter

puts "#{file_list_by_timestamp.count} files to download:"

threads = []
@processed_file_count = 0
@threads_count = 1 unless @threads_count != 0
@threads_count.times do
  threads << Thread.new do
    until file_queue.empty?
      file_remote_info = file_queue.pop(true) rescue nil
      download_file(file_remote_info) if file_remote_info
jere-co commented 7 months ago

I also needed to add sleep to the get_all_snapshots_to_consider function:

 def get_all_snapshots_to_consider
    # Note: Passing a page index parameter allow us to get mor>
    # but from a less fresh index
    print "Getting snapshot pages"
    snapshot_list_to_consider = []
    snapshot_list_to_consider += get_raw_list_from_api(@base_u>
    print "."
    unless @exact_url
      @maximum_pages.times do |page_index|
        snapshot_list = get_raw_list_from_api(@base_url + '/*'>
        break if snapshot_list.empty?
        snapshot_list_to_consider += snapshot_list
        print "."
        sleep(3) # <--- Added this
    puts " found #{snapshot_list_to_consider.length} snaphots >
gingerbeardman commented 7 months ago

@rustam instead of putting sleep(3) the threads/file_queue loop, which will slow down every access even if the files have been downloaded, put it in the download_file function just before the else file exists.

between line 295 and 296, means it will pause only when doing some real downloading. so you can run it on an existing directory and it will be very fast and pause whilst downloading only new files.


should look like:

   semaphore.synchronize do 
     @processed_file_count += 1 
     puts "#{file_url} -> #{file_path} (#{@processed_file_count}/#{file_list_by_timestamp.size})" 
   semaphore.synchronize do 
     @processed_file_count += 1 
     puts "#{file_url} # #{file_path} already exists. (#{@processed_file_count}/#{file_list_by_timestamp.size})" 

The only new line is the sleep(3)

lacertrader commented 7 months ago

The problem is the download not even starts, I run the line with the command to download a page and after some seconds of the search the error appears.

gingerbeardman commented 7 months ago

The problem is the download not even starts, I run the line with the command to download a page and after some seconds of the search the error appears.

@lacertrader that's a different problem, seems specific to you. is the error the same? did you try different network connection? disable vpn, etc? might be worth starting a new issue.

gingerbeardman commented 4 months ago

Best solution is to use the updated files in PR #280