To simplify our Javascript and stylesheet setup, I wanted to remove
Webpacker, which I always fight with. To do this, I uninstalled
Webpacker and instead moved us toward using the asset pipeline with JS &
CSS bundling. The only CSS preprocessor is now Tailwind's, which can be
changed in future if I want to write SCSS. It is recommended against by
Tailwind, though (unsurprisingly).
In removing Webpacker and moving toward Turbo, I also removed RailsUJS.
This meant our existing link_tos with method of :post stopped working
due to a known bug (or lack of support) and had to be manually tagged. I
also needed to move our system specs from using rack_test to being
driven by selenium to support the new Javascript interactions (I'm a
little confused by this but ultimately we'll be using and requiring more
Javascript so I'm not too concerned).
To simplify our Javascript and stylesheet setup, I wanted to remove Webpacker, which I always fight with. To do this, I uninstalled Webpacker and instead moved us toward using the asset pipeline with JS & CSS bundling. The only CSS preprocessor is now Tailwind's, which can be changed in future if I want to write SCSS. It is recommended against by Tailwind, though (unsurprisingly).
In removing Webpacker and moving toward Turbo, I also removed RailsUJS. This meant our existing link_tos with method of :post stopped working due to a known bug (or lack of support) and had to be manually tagged. I also needed to move our system specs from using rack_test to being driven by selenium to support the new Javascript interactions (I'm a little confused by this but ultimately we'll be using and requiring more Javascript so I'm not too concerned).