harvard-acc / ALADDIN

A pre-RTL, power-performance model for fixed-function accelerators
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can't produce dynamic_trace.gz #28

Closed lhanzhang123 closed 4 years ago

lhanzhang123 commented 4 years ago

it show dynamic_trace.gz: Starting to log at inst = 0. after executed ./xxx-instrumented , there are never get the stopping logging message . how i debug it ?

xyzsam commented 4 years ago

It's likely that you didn't set the WORKLOAD environment variable. You need to do that before building the instrumented binary. If that's not the issue, I'll need more information to help you debug. What are you trying to run? What OS/environment are you using?

lhanzhang123 commented 4 years ago

i run my code on Docker . Actually , i m confused on WORKLOAD , is it setting all the subroutine except the main function ? The following is my header file and Makefile , github cant upload header file , so i convert to txt file . And i have another problem about config file : A loop did not describe in config file v.s A loop unrolling , why the loop which did not describe that will execute faster than the loop unrolling , and i tried all the unrolling factor that can't reach the execution cycle . kernel_tile4.txt Makefile.txt VWA.txt Input_Tile1.txt Input_Tile2.txt Input_Tile3.txt Input_Tile4.txt Input_Tile5.txt Input_Tile6.txt Input_Tile7.txt Input_Tile8.txt kernel_tile1.txt kernel_tile2.txt kernel_tile3.txt

Thank you for reply !