harvard-acc / ALADDIN

A pre-RTL, power-performance model for fixed-function accelerators
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Bugfixes to gen_space.py script and readme typos #4

Closed amritamaz closed 9 years ago

amritamaz commented 9 years ago

Two changes:

  1. edit typos in README.md to be consistent with LLVM-Tracer's readme
  2. add some checks and directory changes to the gen_space script so it works out of the box for new users
ysshao commented 9 years ago

Hi Amrita,

The changes look good to me. Again it would be great if you can squash your commits into one single commit.

And one more thing on the commit history. Since both of us pushed a couple changes this afternoon, when you submitted the pull request, what git does is it does a git merge of your repo and mine, where your commits interleaved with my earlier commits. This will modify the upstream repository (my Aladdin repository) history, which is not what we want.

I would suggest that it's always good to do rebase your work on top of the latest upstream repository, then submit a pull request.

For this commit, what I suggest is this:

  1. Add my repo as a remote on your end: git remote add sophia git@github.com:ysshao/ALADDIN.git
  2. Get the latest changes of my repository in to a branch: git checkout -b sophia-aladdin sophia/master
  3. Cherry pick your three commits: "fix typos", "fix directory", and "rearrange" on top of the current master git cherry-pick fix-typo-commit-id git cherry-pick fix-director-commit-id git cherry-pick fix-rearrange-commit-id
  4. It would be great if you can squash them into one commit: git rebase -i HEAD~3

After it opens the text editor, pick one of them commits and replace pick with squash for the rest. Then you can combine/edit the commit msg.

  1. Then your local sophia-aladdin branch is updated and contains the right history, you can use this branch as your master: git branch -D master //delete your current master git checkout -b master //now master is the same as sophia-aladdin
  2. Force push current master to your forked version of Aladdin: git push -f origin master
  3. Then submit a new pull request from there.

Let me know whether it works.

amritamaz commented 9 years ago

Done, thanks for all your detailed help!