In terms of learning objectives for this chapter, we felt like we generally got most of them! However, we wanted to point out that the first learning objective seemed very similar to the fourth. Also, the last two learning objectives seemed to be less captured--we weren't sure what "nuances" were being referred to in the 6th bullet point, and don't remember any mention of "environment" (as mentioned in the 7th bullet point).
The formatting seemed a bit inconsistent--for instance, 8.2 The Need for Efficient AI seemed like it would benefit from the formatting maintained in the next section (8.3 Efficient Model Architectures) where terms like "TinyML" or "Edge AI" are bolded with colons prior to the paragraphs explaining them. Overall, we think the chapter would benefit from clearer subtitles and subsections with more bolded/header differentiations.
The concept of "Pruning" in 8.4 Efficient Model Compression has been mentioned a couple times up until this point in the book (and we go on to redefine it in Chapter 9). The constant redefinitions make the book feel fragmented--perhaps when we mention these kind of terms that are mentioned/defined in multiple places, we should include hyperlinks to other sections where it is defined more fully, or a kind of "See Chapter 9 for more information" caption to make reading more cohesive. Another example of this is "FLOPs" (defined in 8.7 Evaluating Models), which was just mentioned in Chapter 7 but not defined; perhaps we should refer Chapter 7 readers to this section in case they are confused.
Again, bullet points in the table in section 8.6.1 Numerical Formats would help readers more easily differentiate lines of text.
Chapter Eight - Efficient AI
Machine Learning Systems - 8 Efficient AI.pdf
_Originally posted by @sgiannuzzi39 in