harvard-edge / cs249r_book

Introduction to Machine Learning Systems
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Some typos and a suggestion to look for more #368

Closed BravoBaldo closed 3 months ago

BravoBaldo commented 3 months ago

These are typos found in the first half of the book. I found them by producing a Word file quarto render --to docx Then I opened the file in Word and let it point out the errors in red :)

Note: The most "urgent" is in the _quarto.yml file (the book cover!) "Aritifically" --> "Artificially"

optimizations/optimizations.qmd "exapmles" --> "examples" "the boy of the loop" --> "the boDy of the loop" "improvements.:" --> "improvements." (remove colon) "...CiM architectures, and conversely, the CiM hardware.." --> ??? "CiM architectures, and in turn, the CiM hardware" ??? In other places (the first half of the book.) "Ubiqutous computing" "Intro to CLassification." -- "Intro to Classification" "resultsi" --> "results" sevreral --> several alignemnt --> alignement differentiatedly --> differently ??? "i.e:" --> "i.e.:" "etc," --> "etc.," "adjustements" --> "adjustments" "critera" --> criteria guaruntees --> guarantees efifcient --> efficient degredations --> degradations quantizations --> quantizations acceleartor --> accelerator Platfrom --> Platform hardwares --> hardware 3 (No plural) containiung --> containing specilized --> specilized
onf resource --> on resource Multple --> Multiple sparseTinyML --> sparse TinyML Interoperablily --> Interoperability Mulit-die packages --> Multi-die packages functinoal --> functional architechtures --> architectures datapath --> data path ?4 Neuromoprhic --> Neuromorphic qunatization --> quantization ???? the aggregations tep --> the aggregations step etc (withoud a dot) --> "etc." (dot alwais required) productionalizing --> ???productionalization??? keys,authentication --> keys, authentication (space after comma) multipartymultiparty ??? 2

Until next time ;) Baldo

profvjreddi commented 3 months ago

Thanks I've fixed all except datapath which i think makes sense the way it is.

Note: The most "urgent" is in the _quarto.yml file (the book cover!) "Aritifically" --> "Artificially"

I fixed this in a branch and it will be merged but thanks for catching it! Someone else also caught it just today. So I will push it up.

profvjreddi commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the feedback, merged the updates in @BravoBaldo