Currently, bibliographic references are displayed as author names, but there is a request to make them easier to identify by using numbers, similar to the example below.
We need to decide on the style we prefer, including whether we want to show the full reference.
One benefit of displaying the reference in the margin on the website is that it helps students learn about the authors and the conferences where the papers were published, which I find quite helpful for their learning. However, it can become crowded, especially when we start adding side notes to provide definitions and additional information.
Currently, bibliographic references are displayed as author names, but there is a request to make them easier to identify by using numbers, similar to the example below.
We need to decide on the style we prefer, including whether we want to show the full reference.
One benefit of displaying the reference in the margin on the website is that it helps students learn about the authors and the conferences where the papers were published, which I find quite helpful for their learning. However, it can become crowded, especially when we start adding side notes to provide definitions and additional information.
Might need to write a custom style CSL file as per here: