harvard-library / aspace-import-excel

Import resources, archival objects, etc. into ArchivesSpace using Excel spreadsheet files
Apache License 2.0
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Uploading Multiple Digital Objects to Archival Objects as import #42

Open lizneely opened 6 years ago

lizneely commented 6 years ago


Thank you so much for this tool - I am trying to connect up our Archival Objects to our DAM IDs as we are working on connecting everything up in a Linked Open Data set where (Archival and from our Art Collections Management System) resources are linked to representative iiif records. Most of our records have multiple Digital Objects associated (i.e. a 4 page letter). Is anyone working on an upload that allows one to bulk create multiple Digital Objects attached to associated Archive Object records.

The spreadsheet works like a dream (love the inherited title feature!)

Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks, Liz Curator of Digital Experience Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Santa Fe, N.M. lneely@okeeffemuseum.org

bobbi-SMR commented 6 years ago

Hi, Liz,

I'm glad you like the application! At the moment, I'm not working on that enhancement, and don't know of anyone who is, but I'm hearing rumors that some people at MPOW may want this, which would make it an easier sell to The Bosses :-) I'm labeling this as an enhancement request for the time being. Cheers, Bobbi

mswendyh commented 5 years ago

Hi Bobbi and Liz, I just wanted to chime in to say that we'd also be eager to make use of this enhancement at Georgia Tech. Thank you very much for this plugin, Bobbi! Wendy Digital Collections Archivist Georgia Tech