harvardinformatics / snpArcher

Snakemake workflow for highly parallel variant calling designed for ease-of-use in non-model organisms.
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Unable to run test after installation #147

Closed qt37t247 closed 6 months ago

qt37t247 commented 6 months ago

Dear authors,

I installed snpArcher and snakemake last week and it works well. Today, I installed them on another device and ran:

snakemake -d .test/ecoli --cores 1 --use-conda

it gives me:

File "/home/users/nus/dbstq/.conda/envs/snparcher/lib/python3.12/site-packages/snakemake/cli.py", line 1895, in args_to_api dag_api = workflow_api.dag( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/users/nus/dbstq/.conda/envs/snparcher/lib/python3.12/site-packages/snakemake/api.py", line 326, in dag return DAGApi( ^^^^^^^ File "", line 6, in init File "/home/users/nus/dbstq/.conda/envs/snparcher/lib/python3.12/site-packages/snakemake/api.py", line 421, in __post_init__ self.workflow_api._workflow.dag_settings = self.dag_settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/home/users/nus/dbstq/.conda/envs/snparcher/lib/python3.12/site-packages/snakemake/api.py", line 372, in _workflow workflow.include( File "/home/users/nus/dbstq/.conda/envs/snparcher/lib/python3.12/site-packages/snakemake/workflow.py", line 1363, in include exec(compile(code, snakefile.get_path_or_uri(), "exec"), self.globals) File "/scratch/users/nus/dbstq/snpArcher/workflow/Snakefile", line 13, in else: File "/home/users/nus/dbstq/.conda/envs/snparcher/lib/python3.12/site-packages/snakemake/workflow.py", line 1363, in include exec(compile(code, snakefile.get_path_or_uri(), "exec"), self.globals) File "/scratch/users/nus/dbstq/snpArcher/workflow/rules/fastq.smk", line 10, in resources['get_fastq_pe']['threads'] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'Workflow' object has no attribute 'default_remote_prefix'

I wonder if this is an issue caused by a recent update of snakemake...

Many thanks and best regards,


cademirch commented 6 months ago

Hi @qt37t247, could you check and report what version of Snakemake produced this error? You can run snakemake --version to print that info.

qt37t247 commented 6 months ago

Hi @qt37t247, could you check and report what version of Snakemake produced this error? You can run snakemake --version to print that info.

It is 8.0.1. The one works is 7.32.4.

cademirch commented 6 months ago

Hi @qt37t247, could you check and report what version of Snakemake produced this error? You can run snakemake --version to print that info.

It is 8.0.1. The one works is 7.32.4.

Okay, that's likely the issue, there was some big changes in Snakemake 8.0. I'll take a look and see what we need to change in snparcher to support these changes, but the in the meantime you'll need to use an older version.

qt37t247 commented 6 months ago

Hi @qt37t247, could you check and report what version of Snakemake produced this error? You can run snakemake --version to print that info.

It is 8.0.1. The one works is 7.32.4.

Okay, that's likely the issue, there was some big changes in Snakemake 8.0. I'll take a look and see what we need to change in snparcher to support these changes, but the in the meantime you'll need to use an older version.

Sounds good. I'll follow your updates too. Thanks!

cademirch commented 6 months ago

closing for now. will create new issue for support snakemake >= 8.0

siberianhigh commented 5 months ago


just to confirm exactly the same issue for me with snakemake 8.0.1.

best, Evgeniy