harvardinformatics / snpArcher

Snakemake workflow for highly parallel variant calling designed for ease-of-use in non-model organisms.
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encountered same error when setting cores and executing snpArcher on my local machine #158

Closed yuan-circle-long closed 3 months ago

yuan-circle-long commented 4 months ago

the environment is ok when using "snakemake -d .test/ecoli --cores 1 --use-conda" to test.

I tried to set up the cores using "snakemake --cores 8 --use-conda" and encountered an error. image l also executed my own data, and the same error was happened. The error message relates to three files: reference.smk, common.smk, and Snakefile. However, I did not change these files. l only changed the parameters of resources.ymal.

The code is on the main disk and the sequencing files are on another disk. For testing purposes, I chose three samples to build the sample table. image

Best wishes

yuan-circle-long commented 4 months ago

image Building DAG of jobs... InputFunctionException in rule download_reference in file /home/aiworkstation/snpArcher/workflow/rules/reference.smk, line 3: Error: IndexError: list index out of range Wildcards: refGenome=ref Traceback: File "/home/aiworkstation/snpArcher/workflow/rules/common.smk", line 79, in get_ref

tsackton commented 4 months ago

This looks like an error parsing your sample sheet. Can you confirm that your sample sheet is comma-separated and looks the same as the example sample sheet?

yuan-circle-long commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your help very much! Compared with the example sample sheet, the ref path in my sample sheet is a directory not a fasta file. l modify the sample sheet and the code runs no problem. image

yuan-circle-long commented 4 months ago

Sorry to bother you again.

In my project, the cores number is set to 48, and the memory is 100000. But using the top command shows the cpu used is just 100%,is this condition is normal?

image the resource file image the cpu used

image image My computer hardware About my data, the reference genome is about 8GB, and each sample is about 3GB. l used the GBS sequencing method.

yuan-circle-long commented 3 months ago

Memory usage seems to be normal now. image

cademirch commented 3 months ago

Hi @yuan-circle-long, glad its working as expected.