harvardinformatics / snpArcher

Snakemake workflow for highly parallel variant calling designed for ease-of-use in non-model organisms.
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concat_gvcfs error #185

Closed jasonwjohns closed 1 month ago

jasonwjohns commented 1 month ago

Hi guys,

I'm trying to run snparcher on UCSC's Hummingbird and I'm getting the following error at the concatgvcfs step: `Activating conda environment: .snakemake/conda/751f1c8c63aac0dc4eda59d9299aee0a Writing to /tmp Checking the headers and starting positions of 50 files Merging 62 temporary files [E::hts_open_format] Failed to open file "/tmp/00001.bcf" : No such file or directory Could not read /tmp/00001.bcf: No such file or directory Cleaning [Sat Apr 20 20:37:32 2024] Error in rule concat_gvcfs: jobid: 0 ` 2/32 of the samples ran concatenated successfully, but I'm getting error for all of the others. I did have to re-start the workflow at a couple points as I figured out how many jobs I could submit simultaneously. Not sure if that would be an issue. Below is an example of a full log file in case it's helpful. 441285.log

I'm running the following configuration in the slurm profile: config.yaml.txt

This is the slurm script I submit: nli3_june23.slurm.txt

Let me know if I should provide any other info.

Thank you! Jason

cademirch commented 1 month ago

Looks like this could be a problem with where temp files are being written by bcftools. Try setting get_big_temp in your config/config.yaml file. It's been awhile since I've been on hummingbird, but iirc there was a scratch directory... maybe /hb/scratch? Probably a good place to start.

Edit: Could be related to #87?

cademirch commented 1 month ago

Oh hm looks like we may need to bump bcftools version: https://github.com/samtools/bcftools/issues/1642

jasonwjohns commented 1 month ago

Ok thanks for tracking this down, Cade. I modified the bcftools environment to: `dependencies:

The error I got this time was: bcftools: error while loading shared libraries: libgsl.so.25: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Looks like it was mentioned here, but I don't see a conda based solution: https://github.com/samtools/bcftools/issues/1698#issue-1197030593

Is it strange that the workflow ran fine before with a smaller dataset, or is that expected?

cademirch commented 1 month ago

Ah that’s annoying. It would make sense that it worked fine on a smaller dataset. It looks like bcftools<1.16 uses /tmp no matter what, so a bigger dataset might fill that up depending on how the cluster’s storage and disk quotas are setup. I’ll take a look at this some more tomorrow.

On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 23:08 jasonwjohns @.***> wrote:

Ok thanks for tracking this down, Cade. I modified the bcftools environment to: `dependencies:

  • bcftools==1.16`

The error I got this time was: bcftools: error while loading shared libraries: libgsl.so.25: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Looks like it was mentioned here, but I don't see a conda based solution: samtools/bcftools#1698 (comment) https://github.com/samtools/bcftools/issues/1698#issue-1197030593

Is it strange that the workflow ran fine before with a smaller dataset, or is that expected?

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jasonwjohns commented 1 month ago

Thanks a bunch!

erikenbody commented 1 month ago

Pretty strange. I remember that libgsl error when weve tried to upgrade bcftools in the past. However, I see that postprocess is 1.16 so I'm not sure why that environment builds by the bcftools.yml one does

jasonwjohns commented 1 month ago

Thanks for chiming in Erik. I set the bcftools.yml back to 1.10 and pointed the 'bigtmp' to my home folder on the cluster. I think I get a TB of storage there, so hopefully that's enough to see this job through. It doesn't seem I have a scratch folder of my own to use, so I'll have to get that going.

For now the workflow is back up and running with the genomics_db_import step. Fingers crossed, but it seems like Cade's original suggestion to use the bigtmp option is working. Thanks guys!

cademirch commented 1 month ago

Looking at this again I actually don't think the version is the issue. We specify -T/--temp-dir in the bcftools sort call so I think the issue just had to do with setting the right place to store temp files.

jasonwjohns commented 1 month ago

Makes sense to me. The workflow finished up last night, so it seems like you're right. Thanks Cade and Erik!