harvardinformatics / snpArcher

Snakemake workflow for highly parallel variant calling designed for ease-of-use in non-model organisms.
MIT License
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Production ready Sentieon #85

Closed erikenbody closed 1 year ago

erikenbody commented 1 year ago

We originally set up the sentieon module to run with a trial license file. Production Sentieon licenses run by pinging a license on a server somewhere. This is the standard mode for running Sentieon, so I suggest we implement this as the default setting. Presumably, anyone with a license file could get this version to run by running the trial license, plus Sentieon support can help to troubleshoot this if it's a problem.

The main change is switching the license from input to a params. You now specify the IP address that the license is running on, which sets the environmental variable that specifies the Sentieon license.