harveyl888 / shinyExtra

Some additional functions for shiny apps
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Update functions? #5

Closed happyshows closed 7 years ago

happyshows commented 7 years ago


I'm wondering if updateXXXX is on your development plan?

harveyl888 commented 7 years ago

Which is updateXXXX? I'd like to include the close button on the panels at some point. This is a particularly busy month so it may have to wait till October.

happyshows commented 7 years ago


I was referring to some function similar to updateTextInput or updateSelectInput. So that other reactive function can manipulate the value of SX components.

For example, I was trying to use SXSortable as display only component and use a selectize input to control the elements in SXSortable.

This is a nice to have option for me. Definitely close button (and listener behind it) has higher priority.