harveysburger / pinnaclewrapper

A C# Wrapper for the PinnacleSports API
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Delay limitation per call #12

Closed Eliakos closed 4 years ago

Eliakos commented 4 years ago


Do we know the delay betwen each call we cna submit? because on the FAQ available here https://www.ps3838.com/static/index.php/en-us/help/api-user-guide-en-us#migration-to-getOdds-and-getFixtures, we have :

How often can I refresh your odds? => You are able to make calls for any changes to the feed every five (5) seconds.

But we also have : The following limitations must be observed per sport:

Sorry, the subject is not really related to the wrapper but more on the logic and rules to respect

But then in the sample code app, should not we have delay to introduce between those lines ? :

                var fixtures = await api.GetFixtures(new GetFixturesRequest(SampleSportId, lastFixture));

                var lines = await api.GetOdds(new GetOddsRequest(fixtures.SportId,
                    fixtures.Leagues.Select(i => i.Id).ToList(), lastLine, false));

                var leagues = await api.GetLeagues(SampleSportId);
harveysburger commented 4 years ago

Hey, sorry I am not sure of the specific rules on ps3838 side, or even pinnacle side for that matter. If you call it too aggressively you'll get Api access revoked but I am not sure of the details. They won't block you if you run a few back to back calls like in the sample code there.

Eliakos commented 4 years ago

Thanks. In the context if automated betting, i suppose we should introduce a delay between the calls, what do you think of? Anyway do you confirm there is actually no delay managment in the wrapper?