harvimt / quamash

Implementation of the PEP 3156 event-loop (asyncio) api using the Qt Event-Loop
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Quamash and pyzmq with asyncio #71

Open mkokish opened 7 years ago

mkokish commented 7 years ago


I'm attempting to make a GUI client that asynchronously communicates to a server via zeromq. Pyzmq has support for asyncio (i.e. some of the blocking functions return futures). I wrote a naive server/client example based on some pyzmq examples, and I'm not sure if it doesn't work because I'm using something incorrectly, or if there's a fundamental reason that these two won't work together.


import asyncio
import zmq.asyncio
from zmq.utils.win32 import allow_interrupt

ctx = zmq.asyncio.Context()
loop = zmq.asyncio.ZMQEventLoop()

url = 'tcp://'

def async_process(msg):
    return msg

def recv_and_process():
    sock = ctx.socket(zmq.REP)

    while True:
        print("waiting for client...")
        msg = yield from sock.recv_multipart()
        reply = yield from async_process(msg)
        print("processed! now sending...")
        yield from sock.send_multipart(reply)



import sys
import asyncio
import zmq
import zmq.asyncio

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, QLineEdit
from quamash import QEventLoop

app = QApplication(sys.argv)
loop = QEventLoop(app)

url = 'tcp://'

ctx = zmq.asyncio.Context()

class Window(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Window, self).__init__()
        self.button = QPushButton('Send', self)
        self.path = QLineEdit()
        self.path.move(20, 20)
        layout = QVBoxLayout(self)

    def handleButton(self):
        print('Sending text:', self.path.text())
        asyncio.ensure_future(get(self.path.text()), loop=loop)

window = Window()

def get(path):
    socket = ctx.socket(zmq.REQ)
#    yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
    reply = yield from socket.recv_multipart()

with loop:

I'm using Python 3.4 here, since I'm not sure PyQt5 is supported in Python 3.5 yet.

The server basically just replies the same message it receives. The client has a textbox. Clicking the "Send" button sends the textbox's text to the server. When doing this, I receive the following error:

  File "/.../site-packages/quamash/__init__.py", line 377, in add_reader
    notifier = QtCore.QSocketNotifier(fd, QtCore.QSocketNotifier.Read)
TypeError: QSocketNotifier(sip.voidptr, QSocketNotifier.Type, parent: QObject = None): argument 1 has unexpected type 'Socket'

The code works fine upon uncommenting the asyncio.sleep line. I assume this assures enough time such that a future is no longer returned.

It's worth pointing out that pyzmq uses its own event loop (see: http://pyzmq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/zmq.asyncio.html) called ZMQEventLoop(), as used in the server. I was hoping that the client wouldn't need to use this event loop.

Is there any simple way to integrate zmq.asyncio with quamash, or is this a much larger endeavor?


P.S. Zeromq seems to be mentioned on line 462 of that __init__.py file. What's this in reference to?

harvimt commented 7 years ago

see #13 for more info on zeromq I think @horazont or @aknuds1 had a patch out with the aiozmq project to get quamash working better, but it was rejected because they wanted to do go a different way. (I searched the chat logs but couldn't find what I was looking for). They wanted to remove the need to use a custom event loop with zmq and just use the network primitives built into whichever event loop you are using.

harvimt commented 7 years ago

You could try using zmq's event loop in the client, and then just doing:

while True:
    yield from asyncio.sleep(0)

in a coroutine and not use quamash.

frederikaalund commented 4 years ago

The error

TypeError: QSocketNotifier(sip.voidptr, QSocketNotifier.Type, parent: QObject = None): argument 1 has unexpected type 'Socket'

indicates that QSocketNotifier got an unexpected argument. It seems to me, that this should be fixed in the zeromq client by passing in a file descriptor (an integer) to add_reader instead of a socket.socket object. Luckily, this is an easy fix: loop.add_reader(socket.fileno()).

I ran into a very similar issue with asyncio-mqtt and asyncqt (the latter is a fork of quamash).