has2k1 / plotnine

A Grammar of Graphics for Python
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How to handle data that is not in long-format? #747

Closed fhg-isi closed 5 months ago

fhg-isi commented 5 months ago

Altair provides some transformations to work with data that is not in long format: https://altair-viz.github.io/user_guide/data.html#converting-with-fold-transform

=> Does plotnine provide similar features? Or do I have to pre-process my data, (for example with pd.melt(...) ) to be able to use plotnine?



TyberiusPrime commented 5 months ago

Plotnine, like it's API donor ggplot2, is indeed requiring your data in long format.

Pandas.melt would be the way to go for most data sets - I personally don't see value in wrapping this operation in yet another level of abstraction / nomenclature (fold vs melt).

fhg-isi commented 5 months ago

Thank you for clarification.